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CUMU has announced a research fellowship opportunity for faculty, staff, post-doc, and graduate students. Applications due November 28th 2022. Information on how to apply

...continue reading "Call for Proposals: Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Fellowship Opportunity"

GWupstart is GW's central hub for social innovation training, mentoring and funding. Deadline for grant applications is November 14th 2022.  GWupstart builds on GW’s strength as an institution that fosters the next generation of citizen leaders. Approximately $75,000 in funding is available every year. In addition, we provide mentorship and support to students to turn their ideas into practical action that makes a measurable, sustained difference. Apply today

Students interested in working for social change or helping someone learn to read may be interested in applying for part-time positions at engageDC or SMARTDC.

Serve to develop the impact capacity of one of eight social justice organizations in D.C. Learn about engageDC sites here.
Help someone improve their reading and apply for K-8 literacy tutoring positions (paid and volunteer) with SMARTDC! Learn about the SMARTDC sites here.

SMARTDC FWS application
SMARTDC non-FWS volunteer application

GW’s 28th annual MLK Day of Service and Leadership (MLK DoS) will take place on Monday, January 16th, 2023. Applications close Monday, December 12, 2022 at 5:00pm EST.  day of service is a unique opportunity for hundreds of GW students, faculty, staff, and DC community members to strengthen their service values, create positive and impactful contributions to our communities, and commit to continuing acts of service as exemplified by Dr. King. To learn more and apply to be a Student Leader click here.

The AAC&U is holding a hybrid conference March 9-11, 2023 in Henderson, Nevada and is accepting presentation proposals until 11:59 pm ET on 11/14/2022.  Proposals for the Conference on Diversity, Equity, and Student Success are being accepted for a variety of session types for this hybrid conference that will take place on March 9–11, with the in-person component held in Henderson, NV (just outside of Las Vegas).  Submit a proposal for this critical event that will embrace truth-telling about diversity, equity, and student success efforts. This is the perfect opportunity to share successes and lessons learned as we work together toward achieving our goals.



On 12/01/2022 from 3:00-4:30 PM EST, Dr. Lauren A. Wendling, Associate Director at LEAD California, is presenting her research on how school- and department-level promotion and tenure committees not only define and understand faculty’s engaged research, but how they evaluate it. Registration Link.

...continue reading "Register Now: Dissertation Dish-Evaluating Engaged Research in Promotion and Tenure"

Young people are registered to vote in numbers that mirror the historic 2018 election and foreshadow electoral power in 2022. Nationally and in more than 20 states across the country, there are more young people (ages 18-24) registered to vote by November 2022 than there were in November 2018. That includes increases in key battlegrounds like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada.

However, expanding the youth electorate remains a structural challenge across the country. Most states lag behind in registration of 18- and 19 year-olds, highlighting the need to focus on the diverse group of young people who are new to the potential electorate.

Find Your State and Explore the Full Data 

...continue reading "What We’re Reading: Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement"

Next Tuesday, November 8th 2022 at 2-3pm EST Collaboratory is hosting a webinar in partnership with Indiana University.  REGISTER HERE.

The Global Women's Institute at GW is hiring at student researcher to support research and capacity-building activities for the Building GBV Evidence and GenderPro projects at GWI in French and English. This position is only open for students at the George Washington University.

On Monday, November 7th, 2022 from 6:00-7:00 PM EST, the Graduate Student Network is hosting a  Zoom Webinar on "Emerging Conversations in Service-Learning and Community Engagement".  Registration Link.

...continue reading "Register Now: Emerging Conversations in Service-Learning and Community Engagement Webinar"

"The Frank Sesno Newsmaker Conversation Series, supported by alumni Ted Segal and Meredith Perla Segal, will showcase leading voices in politics and culture." Link to Article.

Credit to GW Today for this article

...continue reading "GW Events & Opportunities: New SMPA Conversation Series Aims to Promote Civil Discourse"

Collaboratory Scholars is hosting a Zoom meet-up November 3, 2022 from 1-2 PM EST.REGISTER HERE

...continue reading "Share With Students: Collaboratory Scholars Zoom meet-up for Students Interested in Community Engagement and Professional Development"

The Gulf-South Summit is accepting proposals for presentations until Nov. 2 2022. Learn more about the proposal submission process on the Gulf-South Summit website
To submit a proposal, please click HERE

...continue reading "Call for Presentations: Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement"

The AAC&U is hosting a hybrid conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment from February 9-11 2023 in New Orleans and virtually.  Submit proposals for the conference by October 31st 2022. Registration Link.

...continue reading "Call for Presentations: AAC&U Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment"