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In this service-learning class by Prof. Karina Lora, students partner with CentroNía,  a bilingual and multicultural learning community in Washington, DC. The main project involves teaching nutrition education to preschool students at CentroNia's Columbia Heights neighborhood. Students gain cultural competence and learn to tailor educative messages to to specific audiences.  In the classroom, students reflect on current events related to food and nutrition issues affecting underserved populations in the US, and learn about other community/school-based programs like CentroNía.

For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW:

Semester Reports

...continue reading "EXNS 3120 Experiences in Community Nutrition"

In Disaster Preparedness, a course originally developed by Karen Dawn in the School of Nursing, students learn disaster response  guidelines used by nurses in communities, such as limiting injuries and maintaining community health. Students immerse themselves in disaster nurse roles, including rapid, effective response, and care coordination.

Students identify an organization to work with, and use the principles gained in class and lectures, to develop disaster preparedness plans with them. Depending on what the partner organization requests, students provide disaster plan handbooks, conduct workshops, and connect them to local resources to increase capacity to effectively respond to disasters.

For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW:

Semester Reports

...continue reading "NURS 4105 Disaster Preparedness"


In Professor Sean Cleary's course, "The Autism Experience," students gain insights into autism from a public health perspective. Through service-learning and community participatory research methods, they engage with autistic young adults, their parents, researchers, clinicians, and service providers. The course explores the science, various viewpoints, and real-life experiences of autism, with a specific emphasis on the transition to adulthood for young adults. Working alongside community advocates, students delve into research that directly impacts the autistic community.

Professor: Sean Cleary

...continue reading "PUBH 6232 The Autism Experience"

As a primary project for this course, students learn to operate a real foundation, which they call the GW Arc Foundation. This annual course project is funded by the Learning by Giving initiative, which engages students in communicating a Request for Proposals (RFP), evaluating submitted proposals given their own clear criteria, and awarding the funds to a local nonprofit organization.  Prof. Michelle Kelso has carefully designed this project as the culminating experience for the Human Services and Social Justice Program. It ties together the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes needed to address complex real-world issues in socially just ways. This course represents the integration and reflection on the key theories, research, practices, issues, and policies addressed throughout the program. Program majors take this course during their last semester in the program.

Throughout the semester, students focus on philanthropy, grant-making, and community-engaged research practices. Students engage in a philanthropy project through community partnerships with nonprofit organizations in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas.

For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW:

Semester Reports

...continue reading "HSSJ 4195 Senior Capstone"

In Marc Choi's CGD 2091: Design Studio II course, students learn about brand identity systems and programs, and the iterative design processes used in developing a cohesive and comprehensive branding program (print, social media, and motion). Using a community-centered design approach, student teams partner with local community service organizations like the Rock Creek Conservancy and Free Minds Book Club to visually capture the values and spirit of these organizations for online and print branding.
Students are overwhelmingly positive about the impact of working for a real client who is serving our community, "This project taught me so, so much and I look back feeling so many emotions, but mostly gratitude to be given this real-world experience. It didn't feel real until the members watched us present and seeing their faces and genuine reactions made my heart happy and all those long and stressful hours worth it."
Our community partners are consistently impressed by the quality of the student work, "I’ve gotten so many compliments on these materials. Nobody can believe our brochure was designed by undergraduate college students. They really listened to us and managed to capture not just the message content but the values and tone we want to convey.” - Denise Snyder, Executive Director, Foggy Bottom West End Village

For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW:

...continue reading "CGD 2091 Design Studio II"

BADM 4001: Business Leader Launch is an experiential learning course by Prof. Wendy Wagner, which provides opportunities for students to leverage their business skills with local nonprofit and public service organizations. Students use marketing and communication skills, data analysis, project management and other business skills to help community partners build capacity and impact.

Students complete projects designed by the staff of local community-serving organizations like the Foggy Bottom Association, the Foggy Bottom West End Village, Little Friends for Peace, Raising a Village Foundation, Centronia, Age-Friendly DC, and the GW Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Clinic.

For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW:

Semester Reports

...continue reading "BADM 4001 Business Leader Launch"

Service Learning in Public Health by Prof. Sara Wilensky is a course where students connect significant community service experience to course work on social systems, health outcomes, and vulnerable populations. Examples of service sites include the Latin American Youth Center, Mary's Center, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Horton’s Kids, and Charlie's Place.

Professor: Sara Wilensky

...continue reading "PUBH 2117: Service Learning in Public Health"

The Petey Greene Program, a GW community partner that supports the academic goals of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people through high-quality volunteer tutoring programs, is in search of volunteer instructors who are professors or graduate students in the humanities to their Spring 2024. If you are interested in the opportunity please email as well as fill out our instructor application.

This is an opportunity specifically for liberal arts and sciences majors. Key into Public Service program,  is a $5,000 undergraduate scholarship and educational conference experience that highlights pathways into local, state, and federal government work.

Phi Beta Kappa seeks applications from well-rounded arts, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences students who possess an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher with an anticipated graduation date of Fall/Winter 2024 through Spring 2026. Characteristics of ideal recipients include intellectual curiosity, interdisciplinary breadth, and depth of arts and sciences coursework, leadership propensity, and service to others.

Students may apply here through January 22, 2024 or at

The Nashman Center and the University Writing program cosponsored this Conversation on Community Engaged Scholarship, the first in-person Conversation since the COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists discussed what it means to share trust between community members and scholars, co-authored scholarship, and how racial identity influences these relationships.

Brown and Ryder’s article, “Black Leadership and Shared Humanity: A Profile of Generative Reciprocity for Racial Equity,” was published in the academic journal Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric. The article subsequently received the Conference on Community Writing's “Outstanding Article Award.”

Follow this link to the video recording of the event. ...continue reading "Conversations Series With Dr. Phyllis Ryder and Sister Mary Brown"

The 2024 CUMU Impact Fellowship will provide one awardee with $5,000 to write a state-of-the-field report and provide leadership to CUMU's membership on initiatives related to impact in community engagement and/or regional impact. Prospective fellows should bring their own expertise and experience to bear in order to propose a project that leverages their strengths. Proposals are due January 8, 2024.

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: CUMU Impact Fellowship Deadline Approaching"

Join us for the MLK Day of Service and Leadership 2024! This transformative day includes direct service, engaging workshops, and reflective moments that empower individuals, foster community strength, break down barriers, tackle social issues, and bring us closer to Dr. King's vision of a "Beloved Community."

Be part of the impact by signing up as an individual or group for GW's 29th annual MLK DoS on Monday, January 15th, 2024. Click here to sign up and make a difference!

To get involved, please fill out this registration form!

Promising P&T Reforms for Societally-Impactful Research: Strategies and Opportunities, was held February 5th 2024. The recording is available here.

This session explored findings from a new white paper that scans promising reforms to faculty reward systems to recognize a wider range of scholarly contributions in promotion and tenure decisions. The project was commissioned by participants in the Transforming Evidence Funders Network (TEFN), facilitated by The Pew Charitable Trusts. ...continue reading "Webinar Recording: Promising P&T Reforms for Societally-Impactful Research"

Campus Compact has released the agenda for its 24th annual national conference which will be held April 7-10, 2024 in Denver.  Early bird registration has been extended through January 15th.  GW is a member institution of Campus Compact and faculty are encouraged to attend! Register here. Explore the full agenda.  ...continue reading "Register Now: Campus Compact 24 Full Agenda now Online"