University of Michigan is hosting a webinar on November 18th from 2:00-3:00 PM ET on promoting antiracist and antixenophobic competencies in children. Zoom Registration
The Stepping uP Against Racism and Xenophobia (SPARX) Project involves a collaborative of scholars and community members who are committed to promoting antiracist and antixenophobic competencies in children. Dr. Deborah Rivas-Drake, 2022 Research and Community Impact Fellow, will moderate a panel discussion focusing on how to develop and maintain university-partnerships that center community members’ voices, concerns, and priorities. Panelists include Drs. Andrew Grant-Thomas, Laura-Ann Jacobs, and Gabriela Livas-Stein, who will share their experiences communicating and connecting anti-racist and anti-xenophobic research to practice with parents, caregivers, and educators.