If You Taught a Fall Community Engaged Scholarship Course:
Course reports will be shared with you in January. These reports draw on data from students’ Givepulse reports and end of semester surveys. Quantitative data on student learning outcomes are provided, along with quotes from students and community partners. Feel free to share these with your department chairs and Deans.
Next steps for students (LINK)
Please share this link with students, which outlines several possible next steps for them to build on the work completed in your course. This includes opportunities to submit scholarly work for awards or publication in undergraduate service-learning journals, and funding available for them to propose social innovation initiatives. The Nashman Center has several opportunities for fellowships and other funding to support ideas that have grown out of their initial work with you.
Encourage students to continue to serve through engageDC and Smart DC (LINK) These Nashman Center co-curricular OR Federal Work-Study opportunities engage students with many of the same community organizations that you did in your courses. Please encourage students to continue supporting our partners - particularly given the challenges of this year.
Fall 2020 Symposium Awards Announced (LINK) Congratulations to Carly Cox and her instructor Dr. Sean Cleary on her selection for the Fall 2020 Symposium Audience Choice Award. Note also, the nine students selected for Nashman Exemplar Awards.