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Virtual Event: Every Student, Every Degree Launch

The Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement Coalition (CLDE) is hosting a two-part virtual forum to launch their new report, "Every Student, Every Degree: College Civic Learning for Today's Students and Tomorrow's Democracy." The events will be held on September 4 and October 1, 2024, from 3:30 to 5:30 PM ET.

The CLDE Coalition "urges higher education institutions to ensure that every postsecondary student, regardless of their background, field of study, or career choice, learns how to engage with diverse perspectives and work productively with peers from various backgrounds to address issues crucial to both students and the future of democracy."

The new report:

  • Presents the Coalition's new framework for college civic learning and democracy engagement.
  • Documents benefits of active civic learning and disparities in participation
  • Shows how civic learning goals can be integrated into general education and majors.
  • Challenges higher education to combine civic inquiry with career studies.

The two-part forum will explore:

  1. September 4: "Every Student, Every Degree: Committing to College Civic Learning for a Democracy in Need of Repair"
  2. October 1: "For Today's Students and Tomorrow's Democracy: How Can Educators Inspire High-Impact Civic and Democracy Learning Across the College Curriculum?"

This event is supported by the Endeavor Foundation.