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New White Paper: Restoring the Public Purpose of America’s Urban Universities

The Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania has released a white paper titled "Restoring the Public Purpose of America's Urban Universities." This publication, supported by the Teagle Foundation, examines how urban colleges and universities can work with their local communities to address urban challenges. Featuring case studies and key findings, the paper includes examples from eight institutions and discusses strategies for meaningful community engagement.

The white paper features case studies from Augsburg University, Columbia University, De Anza College, Rutgers University-Newark, University at Buffalo, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, University of Pennsylvania, and University of San Diego.

Key findings from the case studies include:
- Place-based engagement can lead to deep, sustained, mutually beneficial partnerships
- Empowering community residents as partners ensures shared values and benefits
- Centralized campus infrastructure helps coordinate resources effectively
- Presidential support elevates community engagement as a core institutional value
- Dedicated university funding can leverage external support
- Embedding community engagement in curricula advances research, teaching, and community impact
- Thoughtful student involvement benefits both communities and students' civic development
- Working with local K-12 students can provide educational access
- A democratic anchor institution approach can integrate a university's full range of resources in transformative partnerships

The paper aims to encourage discussion and action on realizing the public purpose of urban colleges and universities. It concludes with thoughts on potential roles for foundations in supporting this work.