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New Issue of Change Magazine: Rethinking How Higher Education Can Serve the Public Good

Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning has published Volume 56, Issue 2 focused on "Rethinking How Higher Education Can Serve the Public Good". This issue explores how colleges and universities can better fulfill their public mission.

The issue includes articles on topics like racial equity in higher education, civic learning for democracy, and community colleges serving the public good.

Some key articles in this issue include:

  • "Pausing in Pursuit of a New Social Contract Between Higher Education and Society" by Jordan Harper & John Saltmarsh
  • "Can Higher Education Help Renew American Democracy?" by John M. Bridgeland, Cecilia Muñoz & Danielle Allen
  • "Centering Racial Equity to Advance Education for the Public Good" by Clyde Wilson Pickett & Kimberly A. Truong
  • "Community Colleges and the Public Good: Creating Communities" by Rufus Glasper