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SMPA 4180: Online Journalism Workshop

Students in Professor Cheers’ SMPA 4180 online journalism workshop completed at least 3 multimedia packages over the course of the semester on an advocacy topic of their choice to populate a website with original, engaging and compelling content.  This capstone experience exclusively focused on the crossroads between journalism and social justice work. As students in Professor Cheers’ course, students honed in on their journalism and multimedia production skills needed to report on an advocacy issue affecting the District. Students’ packages included a podcast segment, documentary profile, news package, and multimedia package.  

For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW: 

Fall 2019

Professor: Imani Cheers 

Students Reporting: 13 

Time Reported: 698 

Course Description: 

This semester’s topics include environmental, social and economic justice as well as civil rights. Students were in charge of tracking their time and progress, and shared their learning/experiences with others. For many, this offered an opportunity to report on the significant stories in D.C. that often fly under the radar. In reflections, many students said they hoped their work would bring further awareness to the various issues they covered. 

 Examples of Students’ Projects: 

First Example 
This picture depicts a table with three rows, one light blue, white and light blue. The table is taken from a student reflection.
Second Example 
This picture depicts a table with three rows, one light blue, white and light blue. The table is taken from a student reflection.

 Quotes from students:  

 “This was an enriching learning experience. I was able to get out into the community and talk with community members about issues that matter most to them.” - A student whose projects focused on the history of DC, the environment, and politics. 

 “I loved this class, I learned so much and grew so much as a person.” - A student who worked on 3 news multimedia projects throughout the semester. 

 “I learned a great deal in this class!” - A student whose projects shed light on a multitude of social justice issues throughout the DMV area, largely highlighting environmental, infrastructure and gentrification. 

 “I really enjoyed learning more about these social, political, and environmental issues through creative storytelling in this course. It taught me how to be intentional with my words and how to be more engaged with the vibrant community around me.” - A student who completed multimedia digital work geared toward advocacy of social and environmental issues. 

 Further Reflections Directly from Students: 

This image depicts a wordmap pulled from student reflections in various pastel colors.