January 15th, 1:00 to 3:00pm (EST), join CCPH for Part II of their HBCU panel discussion and listening session series. This session, Structural Racism, Vaccine Hesitancy, and Informed Consent: Has Trustworthiness Been Earned?, will highlight the systemic factors contributing to COVID-19 vaccine mistrust among communities of color. Register here.
"Centuries of racism and oppression have left deep scars in the collective memory of communities of color when contemplating interactions with systems and institutions that have historically devalued our concerns and interests. Mistrust is wide-spread and deeply embedded within many racialized minority communities owing to the numerous macro and micro-level abuses of power experienced daily. The resulting cultural and historical traumas have given rise to commonsense knowledge that dominant group institutions are not always trustworthy as people of color try to decipher these unpleasant experiences. This collective sense of mistrust raises doubt in the minds of many about the COVID-19 vaccine." For more information, click here.