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Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop

by Brooke Maxwell, for the Fall 2020 Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship.    

This presentation covers the mission of Free Minds and the importance of the program for the incarcerated youth it serves, as well as my experience working with the organization. Symposium Theme: Resilience.

Presentation Link

This project was part of Abbie Weiner’s course, COMM 1041: Interpersonal Communication. Students in this course learn the theories and principles of interpersonal communication while engaging in service-learning with local after-school programs, job training programs, and other service organizations.

Please be sure to cast your vote for the Symposium for Community Engaged Scholarship Audience Choice Award.  You are welcome to post comments and questions below.  

2 thoughts on “Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop

  1. mkatz15

    I am glad you were able to find a way to be involved in Free Minds, even when you had trouble attending the more popular events. It is exciting that you will get to share this opportunity with your parents! I am excited for you to continue your work with Free Minds.

  2. Professor Ebony Russ

    Hi Brooke,
    Great presentation! I'm glad to hear you are working with youth who are incarcerated and supporting their rehabilitation through enhanced educational programming such as creative writing. I'm impressed to learn that you have asked your family to join you as you continue to work with this population! This is meaningful.


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