Wednesday, October 21, 9:30am - 10:30am, the Center for Nonprofit advancement's Sector Rebuilding Campaign launched in response to the pandemic, will support nonprofits in rebuilding the capacity and systems needed to thrive throughout the health and economic crisis and over the next three years.
The murder of George Floyd and countless others amplified critical cross sector dialogue, uncovered various race equity deficits and is motivating action from leaders. In response to the need for change, we launched a new Center for Race, Equity Justice and Inclusion.
Assessing the situation in our region. The Center commissioned research from Brighter Strategies as part of a regional study. The data collected is important to the proprieties and action agendas for all sectors.
The Center invites you to review and interpret the results with our discussion leaders Glen O'Gilvie, CAE, CEO, Center for Nonprofit Advancement, and Elizabeth Scott, PhD, President /CEO, Brighter Strategies.
Survey data preview:
- Nonprofits in the greater Washington region have felt a loss of funding, volunteers and client relations.
- Over 60% of nonprofits expect to see continued increases in demand for services.
- 80% see a significant gap in services available to their communities.
- The impact of Covid-19 is not being felt evenly among nonprofits. Long standing African American/Black led nonprofits were significantly more likely to have to furlough staff than their white led counterparts. This alarming statistic is just one of the disturbing differences found.
Click here to learn more and register.