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Resources, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

"The Deconstruction of Structural Racism: Making the Invisible - Visible
Institutional and systemic racism is a direct result of belief systems, worldviews, practices, laws, and policies. Inequities have been systematically integrated into the fabric of our society across every sector – law, education, housing, health. As systems are built, they too can be dismantled. Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) has emerged as a leader in exploring the role of partnerships in addressing structural racism. The intensive examines historic and contemporary manifestations of institutional and systemic inequities. Our training can be adapted to multiple formats – virtual and in-person. The overall purpose remains the same— to provide participants with a historical understanding of structural inequalities and skills needed to work in partnership to address these issues" ("").
Contact CCPH for more information:


"In March, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival convened the COVID-19 Health Justice Advisory Committee to advise the movement’s efforts to ensure a just and equitable response to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Join Dr. Sharrelle Barber and organizers from the campaign for a discussion about lessons learned and the urgent need for a movement that organizes from the bottom up and demands a radical restructuring of this nation during these challenging times" ("Session 8 Communities in Partnership: Ensuring Equity in the Time of COVID-19").

To watch the webinar recording, please click here. And, "if you have missed out on the past Webinars LIVE, you can watch the replay of them at the links below:"

Session 1:
 April 15th: Facts and Lessons Learned from Recent Disasters
Session 2:
 April 22nd: Behind the Scenes and In the Shadows: Essential Employees in COVID-19
Session 3:
April 29th Justice for All: Pandemic Response for Incarcerated Populations
Session 4:
May 6th Pandemic Call and Response: Black Queer & Trans Communities
Session 5:
May 3rd Birth Equity during COVID-19
Session 6:
May 20th Community Resilience & Healing during COVID-19
Session 7: 
July 8th A Hidden Pandemic: Mental Health, Trauma, and Racial Healing

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