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What We’re Talking About: #BlackinIvory

The Nashman Center staff has had useful conversations recently, stirred by the following share by Will Brummet, our Program Manager for Co-Curricular Programs.
"For those who are on Twitter or Instagram, the #BlackinIvory dominated the weekend as over 9,000 black faculty, staff, students, and administrators detailed their experiences in predominantly white university spaces and institutional structures. As a white staff member (#spoileralert), reading the thread of stories was challenging, enlightening, and humbly inspiring to do and be better, both individually and collectively as an institution, no matter how aware or unaware I was prior to reading some of the accounts.
This article in the Chronicle of Higher Ed. today is a conversation with the creators of the hashtag (Joy Melody Woods and Sharde  M. Davis), and I found it enlightening enough that I wanted to pass along to others. It's a good intro to the reason for the hashtag if you are not familiar, and if you did read stories this weekend, it's a good follow-up to see where the creators want to go from here with it. I just wanted to pass along in case other folks were also interested."

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