Students and faculty members can search hundreds of opportunities to serve virtually and log their hours on
Many students are asking "how can I help from where I am" and some student organizations and students in community engaged scholarship courses have direct service partnerships with organizations that are closed for the foreseeable future. The GWServes platform offers ways to still serve and meet needs virtually while tracking hours on their platform as you normally would.
Step 1. Log on to and click "get involved"
Step 2. Set your search parameters so you see virtual opportunities nationwide by clicking on gwserves and then un-clicking the box and clicking apply so you can see all opportunities.
Step 3. Clear your location search parameters by clicking on your zip code, clear, then apply to get the maximum amount of results.
Step 4. Click the virtual/remote button so you only see virtual service opportunities. Click groups or events to virtually serve at an event or with a group
Step 5. Add your impact hours as you normally would to share with your Community Engaged Course, School or student organization.
Have a story about your virtual service? Share it with us!