
Seeing America as the Land Of Hope

Seeing America as the Land Of Hope

by Chanson Benjamin, GWU undergraduate student (SMPA 3350) Public Diplomacy exchanges bring a wide variety of foreign professionals to the U.S. to help them achieve their own goals and, ultimately, U.S. policy goals as well.  One of our goals is to promote the growth...

New PDx interview: Thomas Miller

GWU undergraduate student Isabella Marchese interviewed retired Senior Foreign Service officer Thomas Miller for the latest epsiode of Public Diplomacy Explained, PDx. As the chair for the Walter Roberts Endowment Advisory Committee, a professorial lecturer at the...

Eco-Diplomacy: What is it?

Eco-Diplomacy: What is it?

By Cassie Rudolph (GWU, Political Communication, Class of 2020) Public diplomacy takes many forms, which are constantly shifting and adapting to meet the ends of an evolving world. The emergence of social media, for example, has changed the structure of many public...

Futbol Diplomacy

By Melody Magly, GWU student (B.A Political Communication, SMPA 2020)  Caption: U.S. Soccer star Alex Morgan with young footballers in Tanzania.   As an undergraduate student studying abroad through the GW Madrid program, I was ready for a real culture change —...

What is Islamic Journalism?

Western policy makers and diplomats need to understand more about Islam when engaging with journalists in Muslim Southeast Asia.   Over spring break, IPDGC Director Janet traveled to Australia to give talks at the University of Sydney, Australian National University...

Deadlines approaching for Walter Roberts awards

Thanks to the generous support of the Walter Roberts Endowment, the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication (IPDGC) is offering a grant of up to $5,000 to a promising student for a project in public diplomacy. Public Diplomacy can be defined as the...