
How “America First” is Ruining US-German Relations

How “America First” is Ruining US-German Relations

Trump’s foreign policy centers on “America First,” which is a drastic shift from the way the United States has handled foreign relations in the past. Over the past few decades, the United States has been the leader in building democracies, protecting the rights of...

Trump’s Dangerous Narrative

Trump’s Dangerous Narrative

America First really means America Alone. It is a narrative in conflict with the contemporary American identity, harkening back to the isolationists of the 1940s. Before Trump, the predominate American narratives about its place in the world were hegemonic. We,...

A Lost Opportunity for Diplomacy?

Mark L. Asquino, U.S. Ambassador (ret). Senior Public Diplomacy Fellow, SMPA (2010-11) The photo from the 2018 Winter Olympics speaks volumes. It shows Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, with glum expressions, sitting in the VIP section in front of Kim Yo-jong,...

Two Tragedies: Benghazi and Niger

By Mark L. Asquino, U.S. Ambassador (ret.) On September 11, 2012, Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, a former colleague of mine, and three other official Americans were killed by terrorists in an attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya. Their untimely...