Voice of America Director speaks about the Future of Press Freedoms

By Cassie Rudolph, GWU undergraduate (SMPA 3350)

Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement (credit: UNHCR)

The director of U.S. government-funded news organization Voice of America discussed VOA’s future and freedom of the press worldwide at the GWU Elliott School of International Affairs on Monday, May 6, 2019.

Amanda Bennett, who has headed VOA for three years, spoke about the news agency’s energetic work to transmit information to countries with limited freedom of the press and VOA’s new efforts with the population of refugee camps. About 100 people attended the event, hosted by the Public Diplomacy Council, the Public Diplomacy Association of America and the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy.

Bennett noted that VOA, which was founded during the Second World War and broadcasts news around the world in 46 languages today, is a nonpartisan and unbiased source of news, even though almost all of its funding comes from the U.S. government. The organization was originally created to broadcast Allied forces news into Nazi Germany during WW2.

Bennett said that VOA’s reputation rests on the separation of powers between VOA journalists and politic interests. “We are independent of the U.S. government,” she said. “That underlies our credibility. Because as you know from other state-funded organizations, they do not enjoy that same credibility.”

Bennett said VOA hopes to help reverse the current trend of declining press freedom around the world by highlighting the role of journalists and their impact. Global press freedom declined to its lowest point in 13 years in 2016, according to a 2017 report from Freedom House. “We’re going to be covering free press in all its intricacies with our journalists around the world,” Bennett said.

Bennett said VOA officials and journalists have recently added a new focus: delivering fair and free information to populations in refugee camps, where access to news is scarce. She said VOA has implemented two pilot projects in Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp, which houses 165,000 refugees from Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia, and also in camps in Bangladesh harboring Rohingya people fleeing Myanmar, where they are persecuted.

Bennett said the people she spoke to at refugee camps are desperate for information about events around the world, and in their countries of origin. She added that VOA officials have tentative plans to introduce VOA programming into every major United Nations refugee camp. She noted that keeping refugees well-informed not only helps their own security and welfare but also encourages them to return home when it is safe to do so. Bennett said interactions she had in 2014 with refugees inspired her to expand VOA’s Learning English Program, which features daily broadcasts in English spoken at a slower pace to promote comprehension among English language learners.

She said that last month, VOA further increased these efforts by introducing person-to-person contact between VOA volunteers and refugee children and adults aiming to learn English. The program has a force of almost 5,000 English language instructors in the Rohingya camps, Bennett said. She said the program will benefit children and adult refugees by teaching them to speak a language that makes them more attractive to employers worldwide.

“I tell the young interns at Voice of America,” Bennett concluded, “That one day you’re going to be walking through a street someplace in America or Southeast Asia and a 25-year-old is going to come up to you and say, ‘I was a refugee, in the Rohingya camps, and I got a job in Indonesia or Thailand or Canada and escaped poverty all because you taught me English.”

Whether fighting on the frontlines of freedom of speech in global hotspots or in providing new opportunities to abandoned refugees, VOA continues telling America’s story to the world and advancing U.S. national interests, one listener at a time.



Seeing America as the Land Of Hope

by Chanson Benjamin, GWU undergraduate student (SMPA 3350)

Public Diplomacy exchanges bring a wide variety of foreign professionals to the U.S. to help them achieve their own goals and, ultimately, U.S. policy goals as well.  One of our goals is to promote the growth of grassroots democratic organizations and free media in developing countries.  The Professional Fellows program brings hundreds of NGO activists, entrepreneurs, journalists and local government officials to America for several months of engagement with mentor organizations here, culminating in a Professional Fellows Congress that unites all the Professional Fellows at the end of their programs.

This May, I had the privilege of attending the final reception for the Professional Fellows Congress in Washington, D.C for their final time in the United States. Over 270 Fellows from 60 countries attended the reception, in the Benjamin Franklin Diplomatic Reception Rooms at the Department of State, to wrap up their several months of fellowships at different locations across the country.

One such person was Oscar Portillo Dueñas of El Salvador. Dueñas got his start studying journalism in college, interning at both Diario Co Latino and the local U.S. Embassy’s Public Affairs Section. After graduating in 2016, he got a job with, a prominent Salvadoran daily, where focuses on multimedia and video stories in the country’s expanding online market.

In February, he was accepted into the Professional Fellowship program. He was mentored by Doha Debates in Washington, D.C. Oscar told me, “I’m really grateful to the State Department for that opportunity.  During his time in America, despite being from a country featuring in U.S. domestic debates over immigration “nobody saw me as different.  No one was judging me for being a Salvadoran.”

Farah Ghodsinia, a peace activist from the Philippines, focused during her Professional Fellowship on community understanding initiatives in Cleveland, Ohio.  Farah was part of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI).  She worked in Cleveland with the city hall and with the community relations board on person-to-person projects and talked directly with members of local communities.

“What really makes America great,” she told me, “Is how it manages to continue its struggle to include new people in social justice.” The welcoming atmosphere she found in Cleveland was quite different from the American culture she previously saw in movies and on the news. After observing how America has overcome some of its own struggles, she is inspired to return to the Philippines to help resolve Christian-Muslim conflicts on Mindanao.  She said that, as a result of her program, in the U.S. “I learned that the impossible problems we have to overcome are not really impossible.”

Raymond Musiima of Uganda, a Professional Fellow who is National Coordinator at the Africa 2000 Network and Hemophilia Foundation in his home country, fully agreed with this sentiment. He told me, “Issues like food deserts, gender discrimination and  income inequalities are not African or Asian issues. They are everywhere! To me, the difference between our countries and America lays in the path the American people have chosen to take — in mitigating these challenges.”

Musiima’s Fellowship took him to Michigan State University, where he studied cases of business management. Yet, he added, as important as his vocational training was, the relationship he had with his host family was equally instructive. Comparing it with the technical information and training he received, he said, would be like “choosing between my heart and my soul.”

For Mirela Juka, who is the Legal Counsel at the Down ’s Syndrome Foundation of Albania, the most important part of her experience was the program itself. “New people from all over the world from many different cultures, religions, backgrounds — all connected by one purpose, which was this professional program.”

Juka’s Fellowship was in Denver, where she was impressed with the importance that local citizens placed on the outdoors, especially their love of hiking. Before this exchange program, she told me, she had mostly known about America through movies and television. “When I came here myself, I saw a very strong community feeling that I didn’t expect. I saw a welcoming environment and a strong connection in families.”

Talking with many other Fellows at the ending reception, I heard the same feelings repeated by all.  They agreed that America is not great because our country has no challenges in her path. Instead, they felt, America is great because she confronts her challenges and finds ways to overcome them.

The American story, they said, is not one of easy victories.  It is one of hope. It is a story that inspires exchange visitors with the ultimate message: “If America can do it, so can you.”

New PDx interview: Thomas Miller

GWU undergraduate student Isabella Marchese interviewed retired Senior Foreign Service officer Thomas Miller for the latest epsiode of Public Diplomacy Explained, PDx.

As the chair for the Walter Roberts Endowment Advisory Committee, a professorial lecturer at the George Washington University, and an ardent PD watcher, Miller is able to share his career path and experiences, while also offering observations on current challenges in public diplomacy; including building credibility with the press, an alternate take on soft power, and countering disinformation.

Listen to his interview here: PDx Explained

Eco-Diplomacy: What is it?

By Cassie Rudolph (GWU, Political Communication, Class of 2020)

Public diplomacy takes many forms, which are constantly shifting and adapting to meet the ends of an evolving world. The emergence of social media, for example, has changed the structure of many public diplomacy strategies and propaganda campaigns root and stem. But while social media may change the way in which messages are spread, other changes are changing its content as well. The concept of eco-diplomacy has emerged as a new form of public diplomacy in the past couple of decades, and it has quickly risen in popularity and importance in global diplomatic relations.

The U.S. Department of State defines eco-diplomacy, or sustainable diplomacy, as “the practice of advancing ecological protection by conducting diplomacy that leverages examples of conserving natural resources, sustainable operations, and effective environmental stewardship.” The idea that sustainability and environmental stewardship could be used as a means of developing foreign relations is still a young concept, very much still being shaped by diplomats working today.

The first consideration of eco-diplomacy as a concept occurred in 1992, when the United Nations held its first-ever Conference on Environment and Development, which focused on sustainable development standards going forward. During the summit, the UN came together to create Agenda 21, a plan of global action focused on environmental stewardship and development for the 178 participating countries. Since then, the CED has met twelve times to determine the way forward for some of the most pressing global environmental matters today.

In the United States, we have seen eras of eco-diplomacy come and go with each Administration. The terms “sustainable diplomacy” and “eco-diplomacy” were first coined by the Department of State under the Obama administration, although President Carter had made environmental relations a foreign policy priority decades before. President Carter’s solar panels were removed from the roof of the White House under the subsequent Reagan administration, and the policy push was also dropped. Similarly, under President Trump, the Administration has downplayed environmental sustainability as a policy value for U.S. diplomacy.

So what exactly does eco-diplomacy look like? That depends on the country involved. Some have taken more traditional diplomatic routes or tried to lead by doing, such as the introduction of the first LEED Platinum U.S. Embassy in 2009, under the Obama Administration. Other states have taken less direct methods to promote eco-diplomacy, with some countries becoming well-known for their advancements in sustainable technologies or conservation efforts.

A quintessential example of eco-diplomacy in the form of eco-tourism— a feature that stands out among the rest in both function and beauty – is located in Kallang, Singapore. Singapore features solar-powered “super-trees”, which reach anywhere from 80 to 160 feet tall, and are in fact not trees at all, but are rather tree-like structures that hold the world’s largest vertical gardens. The trees’ location, called “the Garden by the Bay,” also features the world’s largest glass greenhouse.

“The Garden by the Bay” has attracted 20 million visitors in the first three years of its opening, and the gardens are only the first chapter of Singapore’s plans to integrate flora and fauna into city life in what officials describe as a transition from “Garden City” to “City in a Garden”.

“The Garden by the Bay” serves as a prime example for the power of public eco-diplomacy. Singapore is famous for being a smaller developing country based on trade and commerce; it has now become a world leader in what the future of city life may look like.

Indeed, it’s entirely possible that we will soon see cities begin to transition into a more symbiotic design with the world around them. A residential building in Milan, Italy, incorporated the idea of “vertical gardens” into the basic designs of their buildings, which helps in mitigating smog, producing oxygen, and creating a potential habitat to reintroduce fauna into the city.

These are just a few examples of ways that countries and individual cities can use eco-diplomacy to change their public reputation to show alignment with the values of environmental stewardship. In the era of imminent global climate change, those who adapt fastest may have significant diplomatic advantages over those that are left in the past. The best path to success in the global competition for “soft power” may be the greenest one.

Seeing the Benefits of an International Education

By Tess Peterson, GWU undergraduate student (SMPA 2021)

As a student in Washington, D.C., I knew the norm was to have an internship early in my college career. But I have had several!  In fact, I’ve held three different positions, including the latest as Government Affairs Intern at the Fulbright Association.

The Fulbright Association is the official alumni association of the State Department’s prestigious Fulbright program, which takes scholars of all ages on overseas exchanges to study, learn, and grow. I had heard of study abroad programs and other exchange programs before, but none of the alumni of these various programs expressed the same pride that Fulbright alumni do.

In corresponding with members of the Fulbright Association, I found that they were always willing to share their experiences and memories with me. They include their Fulbright overseas location and year of their grant in all of their email signatures and mention it on every phone call I have. At networking events, they wear it proudly on their name tag and introduce themselves with their Fulbright study location, rather than where they are from in the U.S..

Fulbright means so much to them that they volunteer to drive miles to advocate for this program. At our office, we have planned several Advocacy Days, where former Fulbrighters travel to Washington, D.C., to meet with elected officials to share their stories. For most of the members of the Fulbright Association, the experiences and lessons that shaped them matter so much that they now consider being a Fulbright scholar a major part of who they are. I had never seen individuals become such passionate alumni for an organization they were a part of so long ago.

Their passion speaks volumes about the overall impact of international education programs. Through these programs an individual can learn a new language, discover a new religion, meet amazing new people, understand better the issues of other countries, learn a lot about global politics, and do so much more. The Institute for International Education of Students (IES) recently ran a survey that looks at the impact of studying abroad as an undergraduate student on a student’s life after graduation. An overwhelming number of students returning from time studying or working abroad reported feeling more mature (95%). Likewise, 48% of students stated that they have worked internationally or participated in new volunteer activities since studying abroad. Additionally, 94% stated that the overseas experience continues to influence their interactions with people today. It is clear that educational exchanges do not end when you leave your host country, but have a lasting impact on your education, your career, and your long-term personal development.

            Personal stories experienced by the individuals on an exchange are not the only benefit of an international education program. According to the Erasmus Impact Study, 64% of all employers think international experience is important for hiring. In fact, graduates of the Erasmus program had an unemployment rate 23% lower than that of those who did not study abroad.

The number of the students who are studying abroad is growing at a rapid rate. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has predicted that that, with current demographic changes, the international student population is likely to reach 8 million by 2025. These students come from a variety of different areas of studies and majors. According to Statista, 29% of students who go abroad study STEM, 25% study business, 24% study social sciences and 32% study other topics. With a variety of different programs, every student from every field of study has the chance to learn more while abroad.

            Working at the Fulbright Association I saw these statistics come to life. I saw our alumni getting job promotions, beginning graduate studies at prestigious universities, and connecting with each other over their shared ideals. This helped solidify my decision to study abroad next year. By working with people like these, I have already become more aware, more educated, and more inspired. I can only hope my semester abroad will have the same impact that I have felt so far, just being around the members of the Fulbright Association.


Closing soon: Opportunity for GW students of Public Diplomacy

Applications close on April 15, 2019

Walter R. Roberts

The Walter Roberts Endowment, the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication (IPDGC) is offering a grant of up to $5,000 to a promising student for a project in public diplomacy. The purpose of this grant is to work with an institution (client) on a Public Diplomacy project that would advance the institution’s work.

All projects must be coordinated with a faculty mentor who will provide guidance until its completion. Example of clients to work with include the U.S. State Department, a foreign embassy, a cultural center, or a non-profit on:

·       an arts exchange program/event in theater, music, film, or other art forms that culminate in performance or exhibit.

·       a public diplomacy campaign in support of a specific issue the organization believes is important.

·       a video for use in either traditional or social media that builds public support for a particular public diplomacy program.

·       an analysis of the organization’s current use of social media, with recommendations for improvement.

·       an analysis of the effectiveness of an exchange or cultural program, with recommendations for improvement.


Applicants must be enrolled as full-time juniors, seniors, or graduate students at the George Washington University. Applications must include the following:

a.    A cover letter describing the project

b.    A letter of support from a GW faculty mentor

c.    A signed endorsement from the collaborating institution

d.    A detailed budget describing how funds will be used (eg. travel, materials, payment for services, etc.)

e.    An unofficial transcript obtained from Colonial Central

Completed applications should be emailed to ipdgc@gwu.edu by April 15, 2019.

Description of the award

Student awardees will receive a $3,500 grant (and up to $1,500 in operational expenses). $2000 will be paid upon notice of the award; the remaining $1500, along with up to $1500 in reimbursed expenses, will be paid upon receipt of the final report.

Faculty will receive $500 per student supervised upon notice of the award.


Applicants will be accepted in the spring semester of each academic year for an award to be completed by December 31.

For 2019, the deadline for applications is April 15, 2019.

Follow Up

Upon completion of the project: Grantees must submit (a) a 600-word blog post to IPDGC’s “Smart Power” blog, and (b) a report, in either written or video form. to their faculty mentor. The faculty member will forward the report to the Advisory Committee of the Walter Roberts Endowment.


IPDGC honors Sen. Patrick Leahy for commitment to Public Diplomacy

I couldn’t be more delighted for the opportunity to thank Sen. Leahy for his steadfast support to efforts for telling America’s story to the world.”

– Janet Steele, Director, IPDGC

On March 5, 2019, the Vermont senator was awarded the Walter Roberts Award for Congressional Leadership in Public Diplomacy during a Capitol Hill ceremony.

IPDGC Director Janet Steele noted that because of Sen. Leahy’s unwavering support for public diplomacy, he played a key role in saving funding for educational and cultural exchange programs, especially the English language programs were under threat of being terminated.

Together with the Congressional Leadership Award, the Walter Roberts Endowment gave a grant to the Vermont Council on World Affairs to enhance international youth leadership exchanges.

Read more about the event in GW Today: link here


IPDGC hosts careers in Public Diplomacy panel

If you want to get into this opportunity and space, you must bring that passion.

This was the message at the panel talk arranged by the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication (IPDGC) with the Elliott School’s Graduate Student Services (GSS) last Thursday, February 7.

The very experienced panel of public diplomacy practitioners shared personal experiences about opportunities and career paths, and the impact of PD work.

The event was also to announce the new Walter Roberts Public Diplomacy Grant. IPDGC’s director Janet Steele described the grant as a great opportunity for a student to lead a PD project for an organization. More information about the Walter Roberts Public Diplomacy Grant here.

In welcoming the panel, GSS senior career coach Tara Sonenshine spoke about her own experience when she was U.S. Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy at the State Department. Person-to-person communication was so critical to establishing that connection, she shared. 

The panel comprised of Susan Crystal, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. State Department; Monica Enqvist, Head of Public Diplomacy and Press, Embassy of Sweden; Holger Mahnicke, Head of Communication, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany; and Roger-Mark deSouza, President and CEO of Sister Cities International. 

Susan Crystal talked about how the State Department welcomed everyone who was interested in a U.S Foreign Service career. She explained that with five career tracks, there were options for those with different talents; it was not a “one size fits all” career. Susan Crystal

Two senior diplomats from Germany and Sweden both talked with pride about how they helped their respective countries communicate successfully with the rest of the world.

Monica EnqvistMonica Enqvist from the Embassy of Sweden recounted how every job change for her was a way to learn the different facets of communication and public diplomacy.

Holger MahnickeHolger Mahnicke talked about his excitement at being in the field and working on solutions to crises during his posting in central Africa.

Just as enthused, Roger-Mark deSouza described how he built on what he learned as a graduate student with three jobs, and then applied this knowledge to his different non-profit roles. He told the audience not to discount their experiences and always work to improve people skills as these would always serve them well. Roger-Mark deSouza

Related links:

U.S. State Department: https://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/rls/dos/436.htm

Sister Cities International: https://sistercities.org

German Embassy in Washington, DC: https://www.germany.info/us-en

Embassy of Sweden: https://www.swedenabroad.se/en/embassies/usa-washington/

What is Smart Power?

Joseph S.Nye

Writing in the Atlantic Monthly in 1990, Harvard Professor Joseph S. Nye, Jr., stated that “the richest country in the world could afford both better education at home and the international influence that comes from an effective aid and information program abroad.  What is needed is increased investment in soft power, the complex machinery of interdependence.”   He added in 2003 that neither hard power (coercion and payment) nor soft power (attraction) can produce effective foreign policy — what is needed in the modern world is a strategy the combines the tools of both into smart power.

This blog is an attempt to highlight the most thought-provoking articles, commentary, and graphics related to smart power – the world of public diplomacy and global communication. We welcome your suggestions of links and your own contributions and comments.  There are many sites on the world wide web that look at public diplomacy, public affairs, and foreign policy.  Our vision is that this site serves as a gathering place that helps inform and educate you about the opportunities and issues every modern nation faces, and how smart power can help them pursue their goals and overcome their challenges.

As Nye wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine in July 2009, “Despite its numerous errors, the United States’ Cold War strategy involved a smart combination of hard and soft power.  When the Berlin Wall finally collapsed, it was destroyed not by an artillery barrage, but by hammers and bulldozers wielded by those who had themselves lost faith in communism.  In today’s information age, success is the result not merely of whose army wins, but also of whose story wins.”

We hope this blog will help you follow that amazing story.

Meet IPDGC’s current Public Diplomacy Fellow

Karl Stoltz is the GW Visiting State Department Public Diplomacy Fellow for the 2018 – 2019 academic year. He joined the Foreign Service in 1986 and has served in Washington, D.C., Europe, Africa, East Asia and the Pacific.

Before joining GW’s Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication,Karl served as director of the State Department Office of Citizen Exchanges, located in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs from 2016 to 2018. He led a 50-person team overseeing the State Department’s cultural and artistic, sports, professional fellow and high school youth exchanges worldwide, including major exchanges of young entrepreneurs from Latin America, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.

Karl also served in Washington, D.C. as director for public diplomacy in the State Department Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs from 2008 to 2010 and as regional exchanges coordinator in the same region from 1995 to 1997.

Overseas, Karl was deputy chief of mission, the second-ranked position, at two U.S. embassies — in Copenhagen, Denmark from 2013 to 2016 and in Yangon, Myanmar from 2005 to 2008. In the former, he was also responsible for U.S. relations with Greenland and the Faroe Islands, two regions closely linked to global climate change issues today. In the latter, he helped guide the U.S. through a time of severe regime repression and fostered the democratic forces that are playing a greater role in the country today.

Karl served overseas as minister-counselor for public affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa from 2010 – 2013 and the embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 2001 to 2005. In South Africa, he helped establish the African Regional Media Hub, engaging journalists across the continent, and several Young African Leaders programs. In Malaysia, he launched six American Corners in provincial centers and a new Fulbright English Teaching Assistant program that has brought hundreds of American college graduates to Malaysian schools to teach students in remote locations.

Karl was also cultural attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia from 1998 to 2001, during that country’s transition to democracy. He was a public affairs officer in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea from 1992 to 1995, where he helped manage U.S. relations with the nations of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, and in Wellington and Christchurch, New Zealand from 1987 to 1989, where among other duties he served as the spokesperson for the U.S. Antarctic Program.

His first appointment as a Foreign Service officer was as an assistant press attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Russia from 1990 to 1992, working primarily with Russian media during the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Karl will return to Moscow in summer 2019 to serve as minister-counselor for public affairs, working closely with the U.S. ambassador to Russia to manage media, educational and cultural relations with the government and people of Russia.

Karl has a B.A. in Russian Studies and History from the University of Virginia and has done graduate study at Middlebury University and the National Foreign Affairs Training Center. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Karl worked for Capital-Gazette Newspapers in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

He is married to Tania Garry, originally of Wellington, New Zealand. They have one son, Ryan, who is an undergraduate at Wake Forest University, and a 15-year-old cat who has a Ph.D. in human psychology and a M.Sc. in litter box management.

Listen here for a conversation with the 2018-19 Public Diplomacy Fellow at the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication: https://go.gwu.edu/5cc