We Love RSS.

…and no, it’s not just because we’re geeks.  It’s because (as the name Really Simple Syndication implies) it’s, well, really simple.

Step 1: Copy this link (or memorize and retype it, we don’t really care… although, typos are on you then): http://theuhp.wordpress.com/feed/
Step 2: Go to www.google.com/reader (or a feed reader of your choice).
Step 3: Click subscribe, and input the link from step 1 into the box that pops up (or similar processes with other feed readers).
Step 4: Enjoy getting UHP news delivered to your virtual doorstep.
Wasn’t that easy? Enjoy!

Use Google Reader? Subscribe to Our RSS!

It’s no secret, the UHP has a blog. (You’re actually reading it… right… now…) But did you know you can also subscribe via RSS  (you can even add us to your Google Reader account!)? It’s a great way to access our content in the RSS platform of your choice and read important updates alongside your other news outlets. We don’t keep the awesome things happening here at the Honors Program a secret. Subscribe to the RSS feed so you can get word of our upcoming events, free food, and student opportunities. Then tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and shout it from the rooftops!

RSS. It Comes In All Shapes And Sizes!

You can subscribe to this blog and make it a part of your daily feed. Get all the info, really quickly.  You can subscribe here and have all of the blog posts arrive wherever you want instantly.   Think how wonderful it will be to see a post from the UHP appear on your reader, telling you about all of the great things happening here in the Honors Program. It’s a great way to customize your UHP experience!

A Great Way To Catch Up With The UHP!

Just to be clear, he’s sitting on a park bench reading the UHP blog. Park Bench. UHP Blog.

Do you have an RSS reader on your computer or smart phone? Then you can subscribe to this blog and make it a part of your daily feed. Think how wonderful it will be to see a post from the UHP appear on your reader, telling you about all of the great things happening here in the Honors Program. It gives me warm fuzzies just thinking about it… so Subscribe today!

What is RSS and How Do I Get It?

You may have heard about “subscribing” to so-called “RSS” feeds. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary (not Radioactive Swimming Squirrels) and is a way of getting content from web sites that update frequently. Subscribing to an RSS feed allows you to access the newest content from different blogs in a condensed format. Many web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome have an RSS subscription built into their Bookmarks features. You can also get a RSS feed reader for the platform of your choice – be it web browser, desktop, or smart phone!
In order to stay on top of the latest UHP Blog posts and news, you should subscribe to our RSS feed – as well as our other social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. It’s not like radioactive swimming squirrels will come and get you…