Modern Art Worldwide [Research Assistantship]

Department: Fine Arts & Art History
Professor Bibiana Obler
Project Description:With Dr. Lori Cole (NYU), I am co-editing an anthology of primary sources, tentatively entitled Modern Art Worldwide 1900-50: A Reader. For about a century, the canon of modern art has been primarily European, with artists from other places slotted in here and there. This version of the canon has been under attack for quite a while, but it remains resilient. It is hard to imagine teaching a course on “modern art” without including Picasso, Matisse, and Mondrian, even if the temporal and geographical boundaries might otherwise be quite variable. This anthology does not aim to eliminate the canon but rather to participate in its ongoing revision and interrogation. We aim to provide a model for professors and students to think about modernism and the avant-garde as a global phenomenon. Instead of amending the canon by adding token figures representing the non-west, the female artist, and so on, we will bring attention to a history of cross-cultural conversations and active interchange between artists and thinkers.
I am looking for students to help us decide what to include in the anthology.
Duties: The research assistant/s will help research and compile a bibliography of primary and secondary sources—scanning articles that seem promising and writing short justifications for inclusion. The research project will ideally start in the summer and/or fall term. Much of the work can be accomplished independently, but students should be available for some in-person meetings. Candidates with a background in art history and language/s are especially welcome. Excellent research and organizational skills are essential.
Time Commitment/Credits: 4-6 hours per week; 2 credits (It is possible to work fewer or more hours for less or more credit)
To Apply: Submit Cover Letter/Resume

The Boston University Twin Project [Research Assistantship]

Department: Psychology
Professor Jody Ganiban
Project Description: The Boston University Twin Project is a longitudinal study focusing on early childhood development, with the specific goal of examining temperament and parent-child interactions. Children and parents are recorded in laboratory tasks, and these interactions are later coded and analyzed.

Duties: The research assistant (looking for up to four) would be responsible for aiding in the coding of parent-child interaction videos with a team of coders, supervised by a coding manager. The team would meet weekly to discuss results and challenges, while most of the time commitment would be independent.
Time Commitment/Credits: 7-9 hours per week (average); 2 credits
To Apply: Submit Cover Letter/Resume to: