Prof. Miller's Science Course – Time Change/Registration Closure

Prof. Miller’s “Capital Climate Initiative” Scientific Reasoning and Discovery course for Spring 2014 (HONR 1034:MV3) will be CLOSED for registration to any student who is not currently enrolled in his S&S course.  The spring semester is a direct continuation of the fall semester, and it would be too difficult to “catch up” for students to join in the Spring.
Additionally, the course has new times:

For Spring 2014
HONR 1034 MV3 crn:  93972  TR 8:30am-9:45am (Lecture)
HONR 1033 M33 crn:  97157 T 10:00am – noon (Lab)
You can find all courses and descriptions for next semester at our website.

Advising without an Appointment….. and Pizza

Pizza-Wallpaper-pizza-6333801-1024-768Privileged registration is Friday, November 1st.  Are you prepared?
Meet with Catherine in Foggy Bottom for walk-in advising from 10am-4pm on Thursday (Halloween, spOOoOOoOOOoky!) and on Friday of this week.  Show up between 12-2pm on Thursday (Halloween, spOOoOOoOOOoky!) and we’ll have pizza for you too!  (Halloween pizza, taAAaAAaAAAasty!) You don’t need an appointment! Just come in!
CCAS students can get their advising holds removed by Catherine, and everyone  can get all their advising and scheduling questioned.
Don’t miss it! You don’t need an appointment, just come in.

SPA is Here to Help!

We’ve assembled a crack team of Student Peer Advisors here to answer your every question and assuage your every fear. They’re hanging out in the Foggy Bottom townhouse all this week and next in order to help you get through registration unscathed.
If you’ve got questions, they’ve got answers. Should you take math? Should you take an extra math for fun? Should you major in math? Should you write a thesis in mathing? (They can even answer non-math related questions!!)
Overwhelmed by options? Underwhelmed by how far your GWorld money is going? Want to go abroad? Want to stay here forever? Us too. And SPA will be here, as long as you need them, until they have class or another obligation or something. Here’s the actual schedule if you’re not much for gambling.
Come and hang out…nothing sadder than a SPAcialist with no one to SPAssist.

Remember: You is smart. You is kind. You are welcome at the Townhouse for free advising. See you soon!

Hold Removals, Walk-ins and Food!

Got a hold? Got a question? Got a hankering for pizza? The UHP is holding some special registration season events to help!
Catherine can lift your hold and make sure you’re ready for the bright dawn of registration day at Hold Removal (and advising) Parties. CCAS students can get their advising holds lifted by Catherine, and everyone can use some excellent advising.  Something else everyone can use: brunch and pizza!
Sunday, October 27th from 11 am to 1 pm: brunch at Pelham Commons on the MVC
Monday, October 28th from 12 to 2 pm: (FREE!) pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom
Thursday, October 31st from 12 to 2 pm: (FREE!) pizza in the Club Room on Foggy BOOttom
Second, we’ve got walk-in hours, where you can meet with Catherine sans appointment. In fact, you can’t make an appointment even if you wanted to, and that’s why all her times are unavailable online. Rather, come on in to the Foggy Bottom townhouse, hang out with SPA, Jared, and student staff in the lobby and wait for your chance to see the Wizard. Note that all walk-ins are on Foggy Bottom from 10am to 4pm.
Monday, October 28th
– Thursday, October 31st
– Friday, November 1st
– Monday, November 4th
Third, here is a GIF of Honey Boo Boo ringing in the fall season. Don’t let registration questions and holds come crashing down on your head. Get out ahead of it with the fun events listed above!


SPA Available in Foggy Bottom Townhouse

SPA will be holding walk-in hours at the Foggy Bottom townhouse now through November 1st. SPA will be in the Club Room sometime between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. To see exactly when and which SPA will be there, you can find the schedule here.
SPA will be available to help with any and all advising questions, but this week’s advising in particular will focus on four-year plans, and next week will be focused on scheduling classes for next semester.
So no need to panic about which classes to take or which of the ten different versions of your four-year plan you want to ultimately turn in to Catherine, simply stop by the Club Room and have a chat with your SPA. We’re here to help! Head to your Foggy Bottom appointments with Catherine a littler early (or stay late, or just come whenever!) and get a little extra support!

Coffee and Doughnuts for Privileged Students

On Wednesday, April 3rd privileged registration will open to Honors students.  The wonderful house proctors of West HallMeagan and Val will be distributing coffee and breakfast for you sleepy-eyed students starting at 6:30 AM.  The fact that they are getting up before 7 AM proves that they care.  You can find them outside the elevators on the first floor of West Hall that morning.

Message From the Director: New Senior Capstone

Dear University Honors Program Students,
A month or so ago I met with a small group of UHP students for one of our semi-regular “lunch with the director” gatherings. Those students were excited when I told them about a new curricular direction for the program, and I hope you all are too. Over the past year the UHP faculty, staff, and I have decided to revamp the capstone course designed for seniors. While we recognize the value of the senior thesis or project as one key component of a capstone experience, we felt for a variety of reasons – some philosophical, some logistical — that our capstone course could and should take a new form and direction.
The new capstone course will continue the ideal of bringing UHP students together during their senior year to reflect on what they learned during their four years at GWU and what direction their future lives and careers might take. Rather than develop a single course on a single, if broad, theme, we will now offer a series of very short courses – month long mini-seminars. You need only register for one such “mini seminar” during your senior year. These mini-seminars will tackle a big theme – an “enduring question” – from whatever disciplinary perspective a faculty member might represent, or from a variety of perspectives that interest seminar participants. One goal is for you to be able to study again with a faculty member who taught you earlier in the program. Another goal is for you to have a more relaxed academic experience –to engage in intellectual discussion without the “carrot or the stick” of grading. The new capstone course will not have any written requirements or tests associated with it. While it will carry one credit, the only expectation will be that you read material assigned and come prepared for a lively, but informal, conversation with each other and with the faculty member. We are choosing themes that are broad enough to interest all of us. This fall the theme will be love; next spring it will be time. This fall, Professors Winstead, Ralkowski, and myself will offer mini-seminars; next spring, Professors Creppell and Christov will offer mini-seminars, and Professors Kung and Aviv will team-teach one. Each will meet only 4 times over the course of a month.
When registration for Fall 2013 courses appear, you will see descriptions for this fall’s offerings, and next fall the descriptions will be available for the spring offerings. We hope you find the new format enticing and that you will look forward to this component of the senior capstone experience with as much enthusiasm as we feel about it. We have a ways to go in developing our ideas between now and next fall, but with Registration Season upon us, we wanted to let you know right away of the coming change.
-Maria Frawley, Director, University Honors Program