Honors Upper Class Housing Community!

Living in Honors housing as a sophomore, junior, or senior is a great way to lock down your housing and roommates early, bask in the glow of other Honors students, secure a spot in a great residence hall, and avoid the potential hazards of living on a floor full of randos.
For the 2017-2018 academic year, we are pleased to offer a group of doubles on the seventh floor of District HousePlease note that different residence halls have different prices, you can find a list for housing rates here. Only sign up for housing with the UHP if you actually intend to live there.
Studio doubles are efficiency-style with a kitchen and bathroom.
Please note, the upperclass Honors housing community is an established Academic Residential Community (ARC). You do not need to apply for Affinity Housing to live in this community.
Applying for the Honors housing community requires 4 steps:

  1. Fill out the upperclass Honors Housing application by Friday, February 17.
    Through this Google Doc, you can request desired roommates. All roommates must be members of the Honors Program, and each roommate must fill this form out separately – no one can be signed up by proxy. UHPers can also sign up for housing individually and then be placed in a studio with another student that applied individually.
  2. Confirm roommate assignment via email.
    Applicants will be contacted by an Honors Program Officer by email to confirm roommate assignment.
  3. Receive email from GW Housing.
    GW Housing will reach out to you with instructions to complete the housing lottery, the date you will be able to sign up, and your RMS number for the application.
  4. Complete the general housing application.
    Once you have received your email from GW Housing, access GW Housing e-Services to complete the self check-in process.

Honors Upperclass Housing Community

Living in Honors housing as a sophomore, junior, or senior is a great way to lock down your housing and roommates early, bask in the glow of other Honors students, secure a spot in a great residence hall, and avoid the potential hazards of living on a floor full of randos.
For the 2016-2017 academic year, we are pleased to offer a group of affinities, doubles, and quads on the fifth floor of District Hall! Please note that different residence halls have different prices, you can find a list for housing rates here. Only sign up for housing with the UHP if you actually intend to live there.
There are three types of rooms available: affinity doubles, studio doubles, and two bedroom quads. Affinity doubles are groups of 16-20 doubles with shared kitchens, common spaces, and bathrooms. Studio doubles are efficiency-style with a kitchen and bathroom. Two bedroom quads are two doubles with a shared kitchen, common space, and bathroom.
Please note, the upperclass Honors housing community is an established Academic Residential Community (ARC). You do not need to apply for Affinity Housing to live in this community.
Applying for the Honors housing community requires 4 steps:

  1. Fill out the upperclass Honors Housing application by Monday, February 8.
    Through this Google Doc, you can request desired roommates. All roommates must be members of the Honors Program, and each roommate must fill this form out separately – no one can be signed up by proxy. UHPers can also sign up for housing individually and then be placed in a quad with other students that applied individually or in groups smaller than four. Room type preference can be requested, but is not guaranteed.
  2. Confirm roommate assignment via email.
    Applicants will be contacted by an Honors Program Officer by email to confirm roommate assignment.
  3. Receive email from GW Housing.
    GW Housing will reach out to you with instructions to complete the housing lottery, the date you will be able to sign up, and your RMS number for the application.
  4. Complete the general housing application.
    Once you have received your email from GW Housing, access GW Housing e-Services to complete the self check-in process.


Sophomore Housing in Amsterdam Hall

Your fabulous new home?
Your fabulous new home?

Living in the UHP community as a sophomore is a great way to lock down your space and roommates. Plus this year’s dorm is going to be awesome!
For the 2014-2015 academic year, we are pleased to offer a group of quads in Amsterdam Hall as our sophomore Honors housing community!
You may request desired roommates if you wish. All roommates must be members of the Honors Program and each roommate must submit a separate form – no one can be signed up by proxy. Students can apply for sophomore housing individually to be placed in a quad with other students that applied individually or in groups smaller than 4.
To apply: submit the sophomore Honors housing application, available right now online, by Thursday, February 6th, 2014 at the stroke of midnight. Spots are limited, and housing assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Those assigned to Honors housing will be notified via email shortly thereafter and their names will be submitted to GW Housing Programs.
Please note that different dorms have different prices, you can find a list for housing rates here. Only sign up for housing with the UHP if you actually intend to live there.
If you have any questions, please contact us at uhp@gwu.edu or 994-6816.

What It's Like To Live In West Hall [Honors Housing]

The following post is written by UHP freshman, SPA member, and West Hall resident Dan Grover. —-
One of the biggest challenges about the college process isn’t the applications, it isn’t the essays, or even getting in. It’s figuring out where to go. Hopefully, by reading this, you’ve already settled on GW, (but just in case you haven’t, totally come to GW). Once I’d finally made that choice and let some relief settle in, I was confronted by an even tougher decision: do I choose to live in Honors Housing?
I’m sure I had some of the same fears that you prospective students are having now; will all of my friends be only Honors kids, will I make no friends outside of West Hall, will I be sad all the time on the Vern and so on. After much agonizing, I bit the bullet and went through with Honors Housing.
I don’t regret it for a moment. Continue reading “What It's Like To Live In West Hall [Honors Housing]”