Got a hold? Got a question? Got a hankering for pizza? The UHP is holding some special registration season events to help!
Catherine can lift your hold and make sure you’re ready for the bright dawn of registration day at Hold Removal (and advising) Parties. CCAS students can get their advising holds lifted by Catherine, and everyone can use some excellent advising. Something else everyone can use: brunch and pizza!
–Sunday, October 27th from 11 am to 1 pm: brunch at Pelham Commons on the MVC
–Monday, October 28th from 12 to 2 pm: (FREE!) pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom
–Thursday, October 31st from 12 to 2 pm: (FREE!) pizza in the Club Room on Foggy BOOttom
Second, we’ve got walk-in hours, where you can meet with Catherine sans appointment. In fact, you can’t make an appointment even if you wanted to, and that’s why all her times are unavailable online. Rather, come on in to the Foggy Bottom townhouse, hang out with SPA, Jared, and student staff in the lobby and wait for your chance to see the Wizard. Note that all walk-ins are on Foggy Bottom from 10am to 4pm.
– Monday, October 28th
– Thursday, October 31st
– Friday, November 1st
– Monday, November 4th
Third, here is a GIF of Honey Boo Boo ringing in the fall season. Don’t let registration questions and holds come crashing down on your head. Get out ahead of it with the fun events listed above!