UHPers in Holocaust Memory Course [GWHatchet]

Take a look at this article over at the GW Hatchet about Honors students in Prof. Walter Reich’s “Holocaust Memory” course, and the body of work they have produced which is on display now.
From the article:

Undergraduates in the honors international affairs class Holocaust and Memory pieced together letters, timelines, telegrams and dreary, black-and-white photographs to dive inside the life of a Holocaust survivor. The exhibit opened last week.

“It is personalizing an event which is almost incomprehensible – which is really incomprehensible – the Holocaust,” Reich, a former director of the Holocaust Museum, said. “One of the things that can be learned is think of all the people who didn’t survive and what they could have contributed to the world.”

Read the whole article here.

Food for Thought: Solar Decathlon [Free Lunch]

Food for Thought: Harvest Home, GW’s entry in Solar Decathlon 2013

Lunch and lecture with Prof. Kim Roddis, UHP Faculty Fellow 2012-2013

714 21st Street, UHP Club Room at the Foggy Bottom campus

The Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive. GW is a member of Team Capitol DC, a partnership that also includes the Catholic University of America and American University. Come learn about Harvest Home. A model of the house and its landscape will be on display.

We’ll provide lunch, you bring your questions! Seats are limited to 15, so sign up now.

Register Here


What It's Like To Live In West Hall [Honors Housing]

The following post is written by UHP freshman, SPA member, and West Hall resident Dan Grover. —-
One of the biggest challenges about the college process isn’t the applications, it isn’t the essays, or even getting in. It’s figuring out where to go. Hopefully, by reading this, you’ve already settled on GW, (but just in case you haven’t, totally come to GW). Once I’d finally made that choice and let some relief settle in, I was confronted by an even tougher decision: do I choose to live in Honors Housing?
I’m sure I had some of the same fears that you prospective students are having now; will all of my friends be only Honors kids, will I make no friends outside of West Hall, will I be sad all the time on the Vern and so on. After much agonizing, I bit the bullet and went through with Honors Housing.
I don’t regret it for a moment. Continue reading “What It's Like To Live In West Hall [Honors Housing]”