If you’re graduating, have we got the survey for you! When you complete it, you can pick up your gold honor cord to wear at graduation. You can also pick up your 5 tickets for the UHP Graduating Seniors reception. I’m not saying we’re holding your cords and tickets hostage, but I’m also not not saying it.
Here’s what you need to know:
First, complete the senior survey. You can do this online starting today — make sure to follow the link at the very end to submit your name on a separate form! We keep your responses and your name separate so that you can feel free to be honest, but we need to confirm that you’ve completed the survey. That last step is key!
Next, come pick up your golden cord and graduating senior reception tickets at the Foggy Bottom office staring Monday, May 4th. You can continue to pick up your materials any time during regular business hours (9AM-5PM) after that up until the Thursday before graduation. We’ll check to make sure you’ve already completed the Senior Survey.
Finally, attend the UHP Graduating seniors reception. We’ll be in the City View Room at 1957 E Street from 5-7pm on Saturday, May 16th, 2015. Please note the reception will feature a cash bar and you will be able to pick up one drink ticket per guest when you check in at the reception.
We look forward to seeing you and your guests at the reception!
Tag: graduation
UHP Young Alumni Panel
The UHP is excited to announce our upcoming Young Alumni Panel, “What’s Up Alum- One Year Out”! UHP alum, like our current students, are pretty awesome. They have a host of experiences, wisdom, and career expertise to share, and just recently confronted the post-grad “What am I doing” dilemma that many juniors and seniors face when it comes time to make career decisions. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions, share ideas, and network with some amazing alums and celebrate what makes our UHP community so special. So join us on Thursday, April 23 at 6 PM in the Club Room. Light refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP here.
Wonder who’s going to be there?
Below are the names, photos and bios of each panelist:
Shailly Gaur: BS in Biology ’14, Doctor of Medicine ’19, from Sayre, Pennsylvania. Shailly is currently an Emergency Department Scribe at Children’s National Medical Center. While at GW she served as Volunteer Coordinator for Camp Kesem GW and External Affairs Co-Chair for the UHP’s Student Peer Advising Program. She has worked at GW’s Gelman Library, GW’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences as a Research Assistant under Dr. Sally Moody, and GW’s Department of Biology as an Undergraduate TA for Dr. Randall Packer.
Rio Hart: BA in Political Science ’14, from Minneapolis, Minnesota. At GW, he was in the Honors Program (surprise!), was involved in the GW Radio, and studied abroad in Istanbul. Before graduating, he had internships with Senator Amy Klobuchar, Strategic Social (media monitoring in the Middle East), National Association of Conservation Districts, and Congressional Digest. He currently works at the Brookings Institution in the Center for Health Policy.
Andrew Hori: BA in Political Science, minor in Philosophy ’14 from Boston, Massachusetts. Cook. While at GW, he was involved in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, as well as a number of community service programs and organizations such as the Alternative Breaks Program, Community Building Community, and Alpha Phi Omega—the co-ed community service fraternity. Through his internship at World Central Kitchen–Chef Jose Andres’ humanitarian organization–he gained experience in sustainable international development, but also found a passion for cooking. You can now find him cooking full-time at two restaurants in D.C.
Rachel Weiss: BA in International Affairs ’14, from Highland Park, IL. Strategy and Operations Analyst at Deloitte Consulting LLP. While at GW she served as President of Balance: The GW Ballet Group. She has worked at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, the Democratic National Committee, Obama for America, and the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Don’t forget to RSVP!
Apply to Work at Commencement!
University Events is looking for student staffers to work at Commencement on the National Mall on Sunday, May 17, 2015! Staff must have the following qualities:
1) Outgoing demeanor and pleasant disposition
2) Good communications skills
3) Own a cell phone
There are some pretty cool perks, like extending your stay in the residence halls for free (and gettin’ paid). Click here to find out more!
Honor Cords, Grad Reception, and the Senior Survey
If you’re graduating, have we got the survey for you! When you complete it, you can pick up your gold honor cord to wear at graduation. You can also pick up your 4 tickets for the graduation reception.
Here’s what you need to know:
First, complete the senior survey. You can do this online starting today — make sure to follow the link at the very end to submit your name on a separate form! We keep your responses and your name separate so that you can feel free to be honest, but we need to confirm that you’ve completed the survey. That last step is key!
Next, come pick up your golden cord and graduation reception tickets at the Foggy Bottom office staring Monday, May 5th at noon. You can continue to pick up your materials any time during regular business hours after that up until the Thursday before graduation. We’ll check to make sure you’ve already completed the Senior Survey.
Finally, attend the graduation reception. We’ll be in the City View Room at 1957 E Street from 5-7pm on Saturday, May 17th, 2014.
We look forward to seeing you at the Grad Reception party!
Tell the UHP You're Graduating
Let the Honors Program know you intend to graduate this semester!
For those of you graduating this spring, we need your Graduation Form by Friday, January 31st.
The Graduation Form is an online form that should take you about 5 minutes to complete.
When you fill out this form, it lets us know to contact you about getting your gold graduation cords and tickets for our VIP reception during commencement weekend. Don’t miss out!
Seniors: Submit Your Honors Graduation Forms
Let the Honors Program know you intend to graduate this semester!
For those of you graduating this spring, we need your Graduation Form by Friday, January 31st.
The Graduation Form is an online form that should take you about 5 minutes to complete.
When you fill out this form, it lets us know to contact you about getting your gold graduation cords and tickets for our VIP reception during commencement weekend. Don’t miss out!
Be the Student Speaker at Graduation
Last year, UHPer Alex Zafran made us all proud by winning the competition to become the student speaker at commencement!
(Related: Adam Bethke and Paul Seltzer spoke at the CCAS Celebrations as well — one of them using it as a platform to stir up some controversy.)
This year, it’s your turn to be the speaker!
Commencement Student Speaker Competition 2014
Prospective graduates can audition to be the student speaker at Commencement on the National Mall, scheduled on Sunday, May 18 at 9:30 a.m. Additional information about the competition can be found on the Commencement website. The deadline to submit entries is Saturday, March 1st.
Commencement Weekend Schedule 2014
View the schedule on the Commencement website.
Need some inspiration? Here is Mr. Zafran’s speech last year.
Congratulations to our Graduating Seniors!
The UHP is proud to congratulate the class of 2013 for their amazing achievement! At this year’s ceremonies, Alex Zafran will be the student speaker for commencement on the National Mall, while Paul Seltzer and Adam Bethke will both be speaking at the CCAS Celebrations.
We’re so proud of your accomplishments and hope that you’ll keep us up-to-date on your future achievements! Big things are in store for you, and if you ever want to share your stories with UHP students you can drop us a line any time. And yes, we will be emailing you soon as OFFICIAL ALUMNI! Keep an eye out for us, stay connected with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, and once again…..
Honor Cords, Grad Reception, and the Senior Survey
Howdy, Seniors.
If you’re graduating, have we got the survey for you! When you complete it, you can pick up your gold honor cord to wear at graduation. You can also pick up your 4 tickets for the graduation reception. Continue reading “Honor Cords, Grad Reception, and the Senior Survey”
Alex Zafran Picked for Commencement Speaker
Congratulations to Honors student Alex Zafran on being picked as the student speaker for 2013 commencement!
The UHP is proud and very excited to hear him speak!
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/63935980 w=400&h=300]
Congrats Alex! If you see him on the street, we hear he is accepting high fives and fist bumps as congratulatory gestures.