“Like” Us on Facebook Before You Leave!

We’re sad to see you go, but before you pack up and head home, make sure to“Like” us on Facebook first! That way you’ll take the UHP back with you – along with the memories and photos from this year, and announcements for the upcoming years! You can also stay in touch with all of your Honors Program friends during the break. You may not be in class, but you’ll definitely still be on Facebook. Don’t start summer without us!

Add Us To Your Facebook Routine!

You check your Facebook morning, noon, and night. On the couch, in bed, and in class. On your phone, on your laptop, or even on the work computer! You probably use Facebook more than your toothbrush. So why not make following the UHP page part of your daily Facebook regimen? Our page is where you’ll find up-to-the-minute news stories as well as all of the great things you already expect from Facebook: walls, status updates, photos, things to “Like”, etc. All geared for UHP students!

So follow us on Facebook now and have one more page to look at before you start that Statistics homework…

A New Years Resolution: Like Us on Facebook!

There are so many different New Years Resolutions to choose from. Why not make it easy on yourself and pick one that’s quick AND easy to accomplish? Just “Like” the UHP on Facebook. You’ll benefit from getting updates, seeing awesome photos of your friends, and further integrating the coolness  of the UHP into your everyday life. No situps or study sessions required (though you can still do them if you want). Like the UHP on Facebook, finish your Resolution in under 5 minutes and relax for the rest of the year… Awesome.

Cops On Twitter, Cops on Facebook [Event]

**This event has been cancelled, and we will reschedule for sometime during the Spring 2013 semester.**
There are still seats left! Join Professor Lori Brainard and her research assistant Andrew Beauregard for this exciting public lecture on how municipal police departments use social media.  Prof. Brainard is a Faculty Fellow with the University Honors Program this year, and she’s excited to share her work with you!  This event is open to the public, so bring a friend! Sign up nowContinue reading “Cops On Twitter, Cops on Facebook [Event]”

Police and Social Media [Event]

Join Professor Lori Brainard and her research assistant Andrew Beauregard for this exciting public lecture on how municipal police departments use social media.  Prof. Brainard is a Faculty Fellow with the University Honors Program this year, and she’s excited to share her work with you!  This event is open to the public, so bring a friend! Sign up now!

Social Media and Municipal Police Departments: Current Use and Future Prospects

As public officials and scholars alike concern themselves with declines in civic engagement and a  weakening of the public sphere, new technologies– in particular social media– have arisen. Some see these new technologies as providing opportunities for and forums within which enhanced government-citizen interaction and even collaboration.  I investigate this prospect by looking at social media use among municipal police departments.  I ask: Which social media platforms do police departments use? Do police departments use them for information and announcements or for interaction? Where interaction is taking place, is it transactional or collaborative.
I, accompanied by 2nd year Honors student and Research Assistant Andrew Beauregard, will discuss the results of a pilot study of 10 police departments and results to date of a larger study of 25 police departments.  Andrew will discuss his experience collecting and working with data.
Tuesday, December 4th at 2pm
Post Hall, MVC

We Like You… Why Not "Like" Us?

It only took developers five weeks to create Farmville… think of all the time that the 80 million people who play Farmville spend playing it. Makes you feel productive, huh?

We may not play Mafia Wars with you or help you build a fence in Farmville, but we do have facebook timeline!  If you “Like” us on Facebook we’ll be able to see all of the cool things you’re doing – and you’ll be able to see cool UHP-related news, opportunities, free food events, and photos! We also have been known to “like” what you’re up to as well. But not in a weird creepy stalker way…

Halloween + Facebook + The UHP = ?

Now is the time to start planning (or calling dibs on) your Halloween costume to be sure that nobody else will copy you! Whether you prefer super scary costumes, “sexy” themed outfits – like witches, nurses, or a certain North Korean dictator – or funny and ironic costumes… we want to see them on Facebook! The UHP Facebook page is a great way to socialize with your fellow UHP community members. Share stories, post pictures, and read about the latest UHP news. Followers can even look back at our past seasonal parties! So if you haven’t done it already, make sure to follow us on Facebook.