Not sure about those Honors deadlines or upcoming events? Put it on autopilot by subscribing to our calendars.
If you’re logged in to your GWmail right now, all you need to do is….
Don’t miss out on events and deadlines for the rest of the semester: Use our calendar! It’s online, but thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, you can just add our calendars right into yours!
It’s really easy to do. Just make sure you’re logged into your GWmail account, and then just click this link to add our calendarsto yours.
Picture unrelated. (It’s really hard to find related images when you’re talking about calendars though, so cut us some slack.)
Fun fact: we tell you everything you need to know about UHP forms and deadlines and events! Don’t like reading all these pesky words though? Use our calendar! It’s online, but thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, you can just add our calendars right into yours!
It’s really easy to do. Just make sure you’re logged into your GWmail account, and then just click this link to add our calendarsto yours.
It’s a busy semester, and you’ve got a lot to do! Forms, events, food, contests, deadlines, food, paperwork, food, food, and other stuff.
How to keep it all organized? Use our calendar! It’s online, but thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, you can just add our calendars right into yours!
It’s really easy to do. Just make sure you’re logged into your GWmail account, and then just click this link to add our calendarsto yours.
Are you excited about this? We’re excited about this. We’re this excited about this.
The UHP has a lot of fun events and important deadlines. Not sure when that form is due? Looking for study hour times or an event with the promise of foooooood? You can check our calendar! It’s online, but thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, you can just add our calendars right into yours! Ermahgerd, you guys, ermahgerd.
It’s really easy to do. Just make sure you’re logged into your GWmail account, and then just click this link to add our calendarsto yours.