“Reconstructing Borders: European States in an Era of Globalization and Integration”
The on-going refugee crisis in Europe, coupled with the recent terrorist attacks in Belgium and France, have spurred a number of European countries to re-impose formal border controls, reversing the long movement toward the free circulation of people within the European Union. Yet, long before these more visible moments of re-bordering, European state officials have been developing other less visible ways to control entry onto their territory.
In this presentation, Professor Morgan will discuss how and why governments have been instituting these controls, and the implications for how we should theorize the state in a time of globalization and European integration. All of that and a free lunch!
Join us in the Townhouse Club Room at 10 am on Friday, April 8th for a catered brunch and a riveting presentation. Click here to RSVP, and remember, space is limited!