What to Expect When You’re Expecting (to graduate with honors)

Plato likes to throw his cap, too.
Plato likes to throw his cap, too.

Rising juniors and seniors – curious about those mysterious honors requirements that you “aren’t supposed to worry about?” We still don’t want them to worry you, but don’t let them catch you by surprise! Join us on Monday, April 1 from 6:30 to 7:30 in the Club Room. Current SPA seniors share their experiences with fulfilling honors requirements senior year, so you know what to expect and can prepare appropriately. UHP staff will also provide information about the new capstone.
Please RSVP on Facebook!
Interested in the event but studying abroad? Email Liz at lsutton@gwu.edu and we’ll try to Skype or Google hangout you in!

Use Google Reader? Subscribe to Our RSS!

It’s no secret, the UHP has a blog. (You’re actually reading it… right… now…) But did you know you can also subscribe via RSS  (you can even add us to your Google Reader account!)? It’s a great way to access our content in the RSS platform of your choice and read important updates alongside your other news outlets. We don’t keep the awesome things happening here at the Honors Program a secret. Subscribe to the RSS feed so you can get word of our upcoming events, free food, and student opportunities. Then tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and shout it from the rooftops!

Commencement Fair – This Week!

Graduates, visit the Commencement Fair (March 26-30) and take care of all of your Commencement needs. Save $25 in online shipping charges by pre-ordering your cap and gown at the GW bookstore; take your Cherry Tree Yearbook photo (undergraduates only); learn more about the Career Services programs; GW Alumni AssociationGrad Week;Green Graduation Pledge/Green Move-out; and give to your Senior Class Gift Campaign.  For more information, visitwww.commencement.gwu.edu.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

You Can Know What's Going On

Don’t miss out on events and deadlines for the rest of the semester:  Use our calendar!  It’s online, but thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, you can just add our calendars right into yours!
It’s really easy to do.  Just make sure you’re logged into your GWmail account, and then just click this link to add our calendars to yours.

Oh no! I have a hold! How do I get rid of that?

Never fear, getting rid of pesky holds is easy at the UHP!
All honors program students are encouraged to see an Honors Program Officer before registration, Colombian College students who have not yet declared a major MUST meet with one (either Liz or Catherine) BEFORE registration.   
Fortunately, it’s easy!
To get a hold removed, you can simply attend a hold removal party!  (Sounds fun, right?) Here’s your invitation!
Who: You!
What: Your unwanted holds
Where & When (option 1):
Brunch at Pelham Commons (MVC) on Sunday March 24th from 11am to 2pm
Where & When (option 2):
Pizza in the Club Room (FB) on Wednesday March 27th from 5pm to 7pm
Where & When (option 3):
Pizza in the Club Room (FB) on Monday April 1st from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Why: Because no one likes not being able to register.
What to bring: Either an advisor approval form or an online completed DegreeMap Planner
*Please note, Catherine and Liz can’t remove non-Columbian academic or non-academic holds.  If you have a hold from the library, you need to talk to the library to get that removed as soon as possible.

See "Girl Rising" [Recommended Event]

Come see the New York Time’s fifth most popular movie- Girl Rising! Girl Rising follows the stories of nine girls around the world as the triumph over the odds to achieve the education that they deserve. The GW Chapter of Room to Read, the Half the Sky Ambassadors, and the Global Women’s Institute are co-sponsoring a screening on March 28th at 7:30pm in Elliott School Room 113. Check out our Facebook event at bit.ly/gwgirlrising. Don’t be afraid to email us at roomtoreadgwu@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Message From the Director: New Senior Capstone

Dear University Honors Program Students,
A month or so ago I met with a small group of UHP students for one of our semi-regular “lunch with the director” gatherings. Those students were excited when I told them about a new curricular direction for the program, and I hope you all are too. Over the past year the UHP faculty, staff, and I have decided to revamp the capstone course designed for seniors. While we recognize the value of the senior thesis or project as one key component of a capstone experience, we felt for a variety of reasons – some philosophical, some logistical — that our capstone course could and should take a new form and direction.
The new capstone course will continue the ideal of bringing UHP students together during their senior year to reflect on what they learned during their four years at GWU and what direction their future lives and careers might take. Rather than develop a single course on a single, if broad, theme, we will now offer a series of very short courses – month long mini-seminars. You need only register for one such “mini seminar” during your senior year. These mini-seminars will tackle a big theme – an “enduring question” – from whatever disciplinary perspective a faculty member might represent, or from a variety of perspectives that interest seminar participants. One goal is for you to be able to study again with a faculty member who taught you earlier in the program. Another goal is for you to have a more relaxed academic experience –to engage in intellectual discussion without the “carrot or the stick” of grading. The new capstone course will not have any written requirements or tests associated with it. While it will carry one credit, the only expectation will be that you read material assigned and come prepared for a lively, but informal, conversation with each other and with the faculty member. We are choosing themes that are broad enough to interest all of us. This fall the theme will be love; next spring it will be time. This fall, Professors Winstead, Ralkowski, and myself will offer mini-seminars; next spring, Professors Creppell and Christov will offer mini-seminars, and Professors Kung and Aviv will team-teach one. Each will meet only 4 times over the course of a month.
When registration for Fall 2013 courses appear, you will see descriptions for this fall’s offerings, and next fall the descriptions will be available for the spring offerings. We hope you find the new format enticing and that you will look forward to this component of the senior capstone experience with as much enthusiasm as we feel about it. We have a ways to go in developing our ideas between now and next fall, but with Registration Season upon us, we wanted to let you know right away of the coming change.
-Maria Frawley, Director, University Honors Program

Apply for 2013 Research Assistant Opportunity

From climate change to healthcare IT to economics to the use of growth hormones in food to presidents at war, next semester’s research assistant opportunities are great!  Don’t miss out!
The deadline to apply is Friday, March 29th, 2013!
Why would you want to be a research assistant?  You get an opportunity to do advanced scholarly work, partnering with a research faculty member here at GWU.  Pick a topic that’s interesting to you (or go out on a limb and try exploring something completely new!)  Some of these can even be complete for credit.
Check out the opportunities for fall 2013, and apply now!