Wednesday Night Walk-ins!

Get all your questions answered!

Don’t forget, you can stop by for walk-in advising with Liz every Wednesday night from 5-7pm in the Townhouse at 714 21st Street!
That’s right, no appointment necessary.  Just show up between 5-7pm at our Foggy Bottom answer, ask Liz your questions, and she’ll fulfill the role of being your own personal magic 8 ball.
If you need an appointment during regular daytime hours, make sure to make an appointment.

SPA in Action at the HAW

UHP Freshman at last Monday’s HAW with some of our SPA

Happy second week of classes from your Student Peer Advisors (SPA)! We hope that your classes are fascinating, your stomachs are full of free food, and most importantly – that you’ve taken our advice and dropped that Calc II class you don’t actually need.
We thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet the UHP freshman and our fall Origins classes at last Monday’s HAW. When prompted with free food, we provide a plethora of GW wisdom including information and personal experience on study abroad, undergraduate research, community service, and more!  Jokes, we’ll actually share all of these things without food, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.
Should you need any help or guidance throughout your first few weeks of class, please do not hesitate to reach out to us! Contact the SPA paired with your Origins class, come to our SPA Office Hours in the UHP Townhouse on Wednesdays from 5-7pm, or email the SPA account at and have our leadership team find a Student Peer Advisor with the knowledge you need!  We look forward to seeing you and the rest of our UHP brethren soon.

Oh, and in case you forgot: bowties are cool!

A Brand New Way To Follow Us!

A new year, a new way to connect with the UHP!

Ever striving to keep up with new forms of social media, the Honors Program has added a new way to get important information about events and deadlines via the internet.  Add us to your circles now to make sure you stay up to date on everything Honors.  And remember, there’s no time like the present!  So if you’re looking for a new way to connect with the UHP, head on over and check us out on Google+.   You should also subscribe to other social media outlets – like our RSS feedTwitter and Facebook.  They’re all really good ways to get top-notch info from the UHP.

Solar Decathlon Class Still Available

The add/drop period is still open, so we wanted to let you know about a change to one of our Scientific Reasoning and Discovery courses: Solar Decathlon, taught by Faculty Fellow Prof. Roddis.
The course now counts towards GW’s Sustainability Minor as Science/Engineering, along with is still counting for HONR: Scientific Reasoning and Discovery; GWSB: Science; SEAS: Elective; ESIA: Science.  (Please note that it doesn’t count towards CCAS’ G-PAC science requirement.)
Interested?  The full description is below, and there’s still time to switch into the class!
Continue reading “Solar Decathlon Class Still Available”

Suite Warming Party and Welcome Reception at the UHP!

Honors students: join us for our suite warming and welcome reception in our sweet new suite in Ames 101 on the Mt. Vernon Campus!
This is always a great way to meet professors you might be taking classes with later, catch up with old friends, and meet the rest of the ever changing UHP student body.
And there will be tasty finger foods!
Wednesday, September 12th from 4pm to 6pm in Ames Hall, in and around Suite 101.
RSVP on Facebook now, so we know to order enough food. Then, invite all of your Honors friends!
You can stop by for just a few minutes, or stay for the whole thing!  We’re looking forward to seeing you all there.