Lunch w/ the Director of the UHP is Full!

Our Lunch with the Director Friday, February 1st, 2013 at 12pm in the UHP Club Room at 714 21st St. is completely booked!  There’ll be another later this semester (and you can always join us at our brown-bag lunches for a casual bring-your-own-lunch event with faculty and staff).
In the meantime, you can check for open spots if anyone has cancelled!

What is Going on Here?

It’s a busy semester, and you’ve got a lot to do!  Forms, events, food, contests, deadlines, food, paperwork, food, food, and other stuff.
How to keep it all organized? Use our calendar!  It’s online, but thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, you can just add our calendars right into yours!
It’s really easy to do.  Just make sure you’re logged into your GWmail account, and then just click this link to add our calendars to yours.
Are you excited about this?  We’re excited about this.

We're this excited about this.
We’re this excited about this.

NY Congressman Seeks Intern

The Office of Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) is currently seeking SPRING 2013 interns. The internship begins immediately, with the potential to extend into the summer. Qualified candidates will possess an interest in the legislative process, good writing and communication skills, and the desire to work in a fast-paced environment. Both full-time and part-time applicants will be considered.  Continue reading “NY Congressman Seeks Intern”

Rising Sophomores: Live in Amsterdam (Hall)!

Rising sophomores, have you applied for Honors Housing in Amsterdam Hall yet? Just to be clear, we mean the dorm on campus, not the worldly city.  Well, you could live in Amsterdam (city), but commuting to campus would be terrible, especially on a bike.  Sign up for housing in Amsterdam Hall and you won’t have to worry!  This is the last week to sign up.
Continue reading “Rising Sophomores: Live in Amsterdam (Hall)!”

Volunteer for Psychological Assessment

Here’s the skinny: Some grad students need people to practice giving psychological assessments to.  They’re thinking you might be a good person to practice on.  They’re asking that you volunteer your time. ——-

Are you interested in gaining more exposure to the field of clinical psychology?

Do you want to experience what psychological assessment is like?

The doctoral clinical psychology program is looking for volunteers for our graduate students who are being trained in assessment.  Volunteers will be administered a clinical assessment by a graduate student.  Sessions may be taped or observed for training purposes.  Given that the purpose is for training, the results of this assessment will not be provided, and will be kept confidential.
Appointments will be scheduled the week of 1/28, 2/18, and 3/4.  If interested, please email your availability for those weeks in 2 hour blocks to Dr. Risa Broudy at  Assignments will be made on a first come, first serve basis and depending on your availability.

Want to get more involved with the UHP?

You’re in luck – we’re looking for our next batch of Student Peer Advisors!

Student Peer Advisors (SPA) are dedicated to serving the UHP community by assisting fellow UHP students, meeting prospective students, and representing the UHP as a whole. If you’re interested in leadership opportunities, events, and more UHP quality time, consider applying to become a SPA! SPA members help fellow students with course selection, conflict resolution, time management and extracurriculars as well as provide a student perspective of the UHP to prospective students and parents.
New applicants should use this form
Returner applicants should use this form
Think you’re interested? Make sure to apply soon! The application deadline is Friday, February 8th at 5:00pm. Applications should be submitted by email to with the subject line “SPA Application.” Please forward all questions regarding the application process to Eleanor Aldous ( Decisions will be announced on March 4th.

Brag a Little, You're Graduating!

So you’re graduating this spring. Give yourself some credit and start letting people know!  Especially us in the UHP.
For realzies, we really need to know.  We won’t know unless you tell us.  And if we don’t know, then you won’t know about things like our super exclusive reception (Finger foods! Beverages! Awkward family photo opportunities in front of gorgeous skyline views!)
Fortunately, you own’t miss out on a thing if you fill out this super quick Intent to Graduate form. You have until 5pm on February 1st to fill it out.