What's Up Alum? – Estee Gabel

Estee Gabel (Left)
Estee Gabel (Left)

This post is written by Mollie Breger, North American Manager of Ma’ase Olam about UHP alum Estee Gabel. Estee graduated from the University Honors Program in 2012 with a bachelor’s in International Affairs and Philosophy in 2012.  She was also a member of the Student Peer Advisors (SPA) with the UHP.
Estee Gabel is an Israel Teaching Fellow at the Ben Gurion Elementary school in Rehovot, Israel. Ma’ase Olam’s Israel Teaching Fellows is a joint 10-month service-learning program for college graduates and Israelis ages 21-30 where fellows volunteer as English teachers’ aides in an elementary or middle school in Rehovot. Estee works with 3rd-6th graders, helping to make English interesting, and exposing the students to a native speaker.
Originally from Rockville Centre, NY, Estee graduated The George Washington University with majors in International Affairs and Philosophy. “After I graduated, I knew I wanted to be in Israel, and I wanted a structured program. I started looking into different volunteer opportunities, and when I found Ma’a’se Olam, it seemed right.”  Continue reading “What's Up Alum? – Estee Gabel”

UHPer Doing Research? Who are you?!

This is how we feel.  We feel deeply about it.
This is how we feel. We feel deeply about it.

If you’re a UHPer that won a SURE Award, doing independent research, a research assistant, or otherwise doing research, let us know!
It’s a quick form just so we know what’s up.  What will we use it for? NOT SPAM! We swear.  There are occasional opportunities for researchers, and if those opportunities are a good match for what you’re doing, we want to make sure you know about them.
So, let us know!

Road Trip! [SPA Event]


Get excited for the SPA’s big event of the semester! Consider this your formal invitation to bond with your SPA and other honors students on a road trip across the country (figuratively, of course). In addition to some delicious and FREE burritos from Boloco, the SPA will be serving regional cuisine – rest assured there will be fried pickles, among other favorites. Here’s what you need to know:
When: Wednesday, February 20th, 7-9pm
Where: UHP Townhouse
Excited?! You should be! In addition to great company and food, the SPA will be available to offer advising on tough stuff like choosing a major, getting involved in extracurricular activities, study abroad, campus life/housing, and anything related to #honorsproblems. We can’t wait to see you there!

Tweets Are In The Air!

This Valentine’s day (remember, that’s tomorrow!), we’re taking our 140 characters and dressing them up. We’re gluing on lace, sprinkling them with glitter, cutting them in the shape of a heart, and signing them with Xs and Os. The great thing about Twitter is that you can have unlimited Valentines! Follow Us so we can share the love with you.

Excellent Writer? Win Cash! [Strasser Prize]

Have you entered the 2013 Strasser Writing Prize!
UHPers can win a grand prize of $100 or one of two runner-up prizes of $50. You can only enter one paper from any UHP course during the past year, so make sure it’s your best!
Submit your entry online after reading the full rules (which have changed from last year).  This year’s deadline for entries is Friday, March 1st, 2013.
You’ve already written the paper, now submit!

Join the UHP Relay for Life team!

Check out this post from UHP Sophomores Brian Dab and Thomas Josephson:
Join the UHP Relay for Life team! It is an exciting and fun opportunity to raise money and awareness benefiting cancer research! Team members take turns walking the track and participating in games and activities and enjoying entertainment.
Intrigued? Follow the link.
Where: Right here on campus at the Lerner Health and Wellness Center
When: April 20, 2013, starting at 7pm
For more information, contact the team captains: Thomas Josephson (tbjoseph@gwu.edu) and Brian Dab (briand93@gwu.edu)

You can do it!
You can do it!

Limited Advising Next Week

If you need an appointment with Catherine or Liz next week, you’ll find it tough to schedule a time online!
They’ll be busy working on admissions materials, so online scheduling for appointments won’t be available.
If you need to speak with one of them, shoot an email to uhp@gwu.edu (or directly to Catherine or Liz if you prefer). They’ll try to answer your questions through email, or if it’s necessary, find a time to schedule an appointment for you the old fashioned way (without the assistance of our robot overlord, Google Calendar.)
Thanks for your flexibility and all hail our glorious and benevolent leader, Google Calendar! (Just agree, we think it’s watching us right now.)