Four Year Plan Deadline Coming Soon

Don't be late for this very important date!
Don’t be late for this very important date!

Freshmen! This is your last chance to go over your four year plans with Catherine before registration! Catherine’s availability rapidly diminishes, because she’s meeting with every single freshman in the UHP, so you’d better reserve your appointment time now.

Make your 30 minute appointment with Catherine right now.

Four year plans, when finished, should be full of actual courses with departments and course numbers (HONR 1015), not general categories of requirements (math, concentration, Arts & Humanities).

[SPA Event] Intro to Advising on the Vern!

Calling all Honors freshmen!
Do need advice about some aspect of life here at GW? Do you need help figuring out if you should spend a semester abroad, or deciding between five possible different majors (and three minors), or wondering how to score a sweet internship or research assistantship? Or do you just wanna chill with some UHPers?
Then join your SPA for some lively conversation and free food at our Intro to Advising event this Wednesday, October 9th. The event will be held on the Vern in West Hall, room B215, from 7-8pm. SPA will be there to advise you about studying abroad, writing your four-year plan, getting involved on campus, research and internships, choosing a major, and more!
Did we mention there will be food?
So join us next Wednesday and let your SPA drop some serious knowledge on you.

Make an Appointment Online

If you need to speak with Catherine for some Honors advising to set your schedule, say adios before going abroad, or just in general calm your nerves, make an appointment online!
Without an appointment, you won’t be able to see Catherine.  There’s only one Catherine, but the UHP has two offices (on two campuses) – so it’s super important to schedule your appointments.
The good news is it’s really easy to make an appointment right now! Just click on the owl, Franny Dee! (That’s BIG Franny Dee, btw.  Not the award granting Lil’ Franny Dee.)
Catherine will be in Foggy Bottom on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  She’ll be on the Mt. Vernon Campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays!

Road Trip! [SPA Event]


Get excited for the SPA’s big event of the semester! Consider this your formal invitation to bond with your SPA and other honors students on a road trip across the country (figuratively, of course). In addition to some delicious and FREE burritos from Boloco, the SPA will be serving regional cuisine – rest assured there will be fried pickles, among other favorites. Here’s what you need to know:
When: Wednesday, February 20th, 7-9pm
Where: UHP Townhouse
Excited?! You should be! In addition to great company and food, the SPA will be available to offer advising on tough stuff like choosing a major, getting involved in extracurricular activities, study abroad, campus life/housing, and anything related to #honorsproblems. We can’t wait to see you there!

Registration, Scheduling, and Advising Help

The superstorm knocked us out for a couple days, but so long as the University is back up and operational this week, we’ll be back to help you figure out your schedule in time for registration! Here’s what you can do:
1) Email as many of your questions and completed approval forms (for CCAS students to get their holds lifted) as you can! You can email right to Liz or Catherine, or to
2) Attend the hold removal/schedule advising bagel party on Wednesday from 10am-12pm in the UHP town house in Foggy Bottom.
3) Attend walk-in hours on Thursday, Friday, and Monday (11/1, 11/2, 11/5).  From 10am-4pm on both campuses, walk in for advising.  It’s first come, first served, so come early (and maybe bring some homework to read if you have to wait.)
4) Attend evening walk-in hours in Foggy Bottom from 5-7pm on Wednesday.
5) Make an appointment. Right now, there aren’t any appointments available until Tuesday (11/6).  If you can wait, that’s fine.  Otherwise, check out the three other options above.
Remember, you can always find all of our courses and descriptions at our website here.

Liz has a secret…

And with Halloween right around the corner, it’s time we revealed her hidden past to the kind students of the UHP. Liz is a vampire, and not just any vampire. She is the worst kind of vampire. The kind based on the hit teen novel series by Stephanie Meyer. She speaks in terribly stilted dialogue, is constantly confessing her love for random people/animals/inanimate objects and sparkles in the sunlight. It’s this last point that led to the creation of evening walk-in hours.

Liz loves advising the way Edward loves the girl with the expressionless face.

Come to the UHP on Wednesday from 5-7pm and get after-hours express advising from Liz and the SPA. We recommend bringing garlic and a high tolerance for plot devices.
If you need an appointment during regular daytime hours, you can always  make an appointment.

Walk-In Advising at the UHP!

Liz Sutton was once just a little girl with a dream, hoping to one day advise Honors students when they were available, and without an appointment. Today, that dream is finally a reality. She never thought the day would come, the day when a student could visit the Townhouse on Foggy Bottom after hours, from 5-7pm, walk right in and talk to her or a member of the SPA. Questions will be answered! Conversations will be had! And issues will be resolved in a timely manner!
Help make Liz’s lifelong goal more than just a pipe dream. Join hands with the UHP and say, on Wednesday nights, from 5-7pm, yes, we can.
Can’t wait to see you there, all hyped up on UHP patriotism and caffeine.
If you need an appointment during regular daytime hours, make sure to make an appointment.

These colors don’t run.

Wednesday Night Walk-ins!

Rob Lowe might literally be there.

Liz is doing Aaron Sorkin-style advising every Wednesday night. Meet with her from 5-7 pm in the Townhouse on Foggy Bottom, walk, talk, and get your questions answered before the elevator doors close.
No appointment necessary, just show up with your questions in hand, and meet with fictional President of the United States Josiah Bartlett-I mean, Liz.
If you need an appointment during regular daytime hours, make sure to make an appointment.