SURE Stories: A International Lens on Harm Reduction Efforts and Disparities in DC

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Fall 2023 SURE Award recipient, Mykala Bledsoe (Sociology, ’25). Read on about Mykala’s research and how she plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon her experience! I began my research when completing a project on drug crime disparities, from access to […]

SURE Stories: Characterizing Macrophage Populations in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Spring 2023 SURE Award recipient, Peri Wivell (Biology -Cellular and Molecular concentration Major, ’23). Read on about how Peri plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon her research experience! Getting involved in research has always been a top priority for me […]

SURE Stories: One Nation Under Myth: Understanding Presidential Rhetoric through American Mythology

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Spring 2023 SURE Award recipient, John Fine (Political Communication Major, ’23). Read on about how John plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon his research experience! This research project mixes the idea of mythology with the study of presidential rhetoric to […]

SURE Stories: The Evolution of the Benefit Concert as a Means of Musician Advocacy

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Spring 2023 SURE Award recipient, JP Infortuna (Political Communication Major, ’23). Read on about how JP plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon his research experience! My senior thesis project examines a small portion of the evolution of musician advocacy over […]

SURE Stories: Sensory-Dependent Development of Parvalbumin in Thalamic Reticular Cells

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Spring 2023 SURE Award recipient, Priscilla Pang (Neuroscience Major, ’24). Read on about how Priscilla plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon her research experience! As a Neuroscience major, I’m interested in studying development. As interesting as the brain is, how […]

SURE Stories: COVID’s Impact on the Communications, Practices, and Goals of Religiously Affiliated Student Organizations

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Spring 2023 SURE Award recipient, Caleb Auerbach (Political Communication Major, ’23). Read on about how Caleb plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon his research experience!   In fulfillment of my UHP thesis requirement, my research project explores how religiously affiliated […]