Baby William's Book Tasting: Curious Baby

As a member of the UHP’s intellectual community, junior program officer William Chandler offers book recommendations beyond your syllabi.
photo (3)I may be a baby, but I aspire to great things: rolling over, flying like Superman, and using complete sentences.  And so I must take issue with the very sincere but ultimately unfulfilling “Curious Baby My First Words at the Farm, based on the classic character by Margaret and H.A. Rey.  (HOLY COW DID YOU KNOW THUMBS COULD DO THIS???)  Continue reading “Baby William's Book Tasting: Curious Baby”

A New Years Resolution: Like Us on Facebook!

There are so many different New Years Resolutions to choose from. Why not make it easy on yourself and pick one that’s quick AND easy to accomplish? Just “Like” the UHP on Facebook. You’ll benefit from getting updates, seeing awesome photos of your friends, and further integrating the coolness  of the UHP into your everyday life. No situps or study sessions required (though you can still do them if you want). Like the UHP on Facebook, finish your Resolution in under 5 minutes and relax for the rest of the year… Awesome.

(Freshmen) Apply to the UHP!


The UHP is now accepting applications from freshmen to join the UHP!
If you’ll be a second-semester freshman next semester (and you’re not already in the UHP) you can apply to join the UHP!  Download the (.doc) application directly from this link.
Current UHPers: do you have friends that have what it takes?  Share this post with them and encourage them to apply!

Twitter Can Be Tasty!

You probably already know that the Honors Program has a Twitter handle, I mean, we’re pretty much GW internet celebrities around here.  What you might not have known is that Twitter is our go-to place for sharing the news when we wind up with an excess of unexpected food.  Seniors will remember the golden age of Georgetown cupcakes (they seriously came every week for a while.)  While we can’t promise you cupcakes, getting a free treat (if not a Thanksgiving Feast) every once in a while is virtually a guarantee for our most devoted Twitterati.
More seriously though, Twitter is where we go to share quick information fast, ask questions, and generally have fun joking around with students.  So click that follow button! You
know you want to.
If Twitter’s not your thing, we’ve also got a Facebook page and newsletter that provide a similarly condensed take on what we’ve posted recently.

Add Our Calendars to Your Calendars [Calendars]


The UHP has a lot of fun events and important deadlines.  Not sure when that form is due?  Looking for study hour times or an event with the promise of foooooood?  You can check our calendar!  It’s online, but thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, you can just add our calendars right into yours!  Ermahgerd, you guys, ermahgerd.
It’s really easy to do.  Just make sure you’re logged into your GWmail account, and then just click this link to add our calendars to yours.

What Makes You "Honors" [Good Article]

Have you ever wondered exactly why it is that you’re an “honors” student?
Do you think of yourself as an inherently smart person?  Do things come easy to you because you’re just bright?
Or do you think of yourself as a person that puts in more effort than others? Do you struggle for your A’s?
According to this great article from NPR, your perception about yourself might come from your cultural upbringing.  And the effects can go far beyond what you might imagine.
From the article:

Obviously if struggle indicates weakness — a lack of intelligence — it makes you feel bad, and so you’re less likely to put up with it. But if struggle indicates strength — an ability to face down the challenges that inevitably occur when you are trying to learn something — you’re more willing to accept it.

Listen to the audio piece, or read the full article here.

We Like You… Why Not "Like" Us?

It only took developers five weeks to create Farmville… think of all the time that the 80 million people who play Farmville spend playing it. Makes you feel productive, huh?

We may not play Mafia Wars with you or help you build a fence in Farmville, but we do have facebook timeline!  If you “Like” us on Facebook we’ll be able to see all of the cool things you’re doing – and you’ll be able to see cool UHP-related news, opportunities, free food events, and photos! We also have been known to “like” what you’re up to as well. But not in a weird creepy stalker way…