SPA is Here to Help!

We’ve assembled a crack team of Student Peer Advisors here to answer your every question and assuage your every fear. They’re hanging out in the Foggy Bottom townhouse all this week and next in order to help you get through registration unscathed.
If you’ve got questions, they’ve got answers. Should you take math? Should you take an extra math for fun? Should you major in math? Should you write a thesis in mathing? (They can even answer non-math related questions!!)
Overwhelmed by options? Underwhelmed by how far your GWorld money is going? Want to go abroad? Want to stay here forever? Us too. And SPA will be here, as long as you need them, until they have class or another obligation or something. Here’s the actual schedule if you’re not much for gambling.
Come and hang out…nothing sadder than a SPAcialist with no one to SPAssist.

Remember: You is smart. You is kind. You are welcome at the Townhouse for free advising. See you soon!

Extreme Makeover: Honors Edition

If you’ve ever heard from one of your friends, “I wish I was in the Honors Program!” then you should:

  1. tell them to sign up for sophomore application information for the Honors Program;
  2. stop rubbing your registration date in your friends’ faces.

When your friends sign up at they’ll automatically receive the application when it’s available.  Students can only apply to join the UHP during the second semester of their freshman year, and the UHP only accepts 15 students to start in the UHP as sophomores. Competition is tough, but it’s definitely worth it!
Tell your friends to sign up at for information on sophomore admission to the Honors Program.

There will be no bus. But we can cheer!
There will be no bus. But we can cheer!


Four Year Plan Deadline Coming Soon

Don't be late for this very important date!
Don’t be late for this very important date!

Freshmen! This is your last chance to go over your four year plans with Catherine before registration! Catherine’s availability rapidly diminishes, because she’s meeting with every single freshman in the UHP, so you’d better reserve your appointment time now.

Make your 30 minute appointment with Catherine right now.

Four year plans, when finished, should be full of actual courses with departments and course numbers (HONR 1015), not general categories of requirements (math, concentration, Arts & Humanities).

Pembroke College, University of Cambridge Visit

The University of Cambridge is going to be at the Office for Study Abroad on Thursday, October 24th from 3pm – 4pm to speak with any students interested in studying at the prestigious Pembroke College. Cambridge offers a spring semester study abroad option for students with a variety of majors. Applications are due nearly a year in advance for this competitive program, so freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to come and begin planning their study abroad experience!
For more information, visit the Office for Study Abroad’s website.

Research Assistantship in SMPA for Fall & Spring!

Are you interested in Hollywood or the lives of TV writers? Well, Professor Phalen in SMPA is looking for a research assistant who will help in researching for her upcoming book about the Hollywood TV writers’ room! You’ll play an essential part in collecting/entering data and researching TV writers, and you’ll get a taste of what professional academic research is like.
The commitment is 3-4 hours per week, and you’ll work closely with Professor Phalen and fellow UHP senior Jacob Garber, who has been assisting with the project since last year.
All majors are welcome to apply. It is important that you are comfortable working in Excel.
Also, if you have the available funds, this is a federal work-study position! However, you do not need to have work-study funds in order to apply.
If you are interested in applying, please send your resume and a paragraph (less than 300 words) about why you’re interested in working on the project to Jacob at by Wednesday, October 23.

Four Year Plan(ning)

We're sorry, could you please clarify Step 2?
We’re sorry, could you please clarify Step 2?

Freshmen! If you’re not working on your four-year plan, don’t put it off! You’ve got until October 25th to have a complete four year plan and a 30 minute appointment with Catherine before you register for courses.
Four year plans, when finished, should be full of actual courses with departments and course numbers (HONR 1015), not general categories of requirements (math, concentration, Arts & Humanities).
Of course, you can always make appointments to help you on your way as you finalize your four year plan (for now, at least!)

Last Chance to Hike with the UHP

It has more color in real life.
It has more color in real life.

Everybody knows the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and even the Smithsonians. But did you know about the wild island of DC?
On Saturday, September 21st, the Honors Program is hosting a free hike with your classmates, professors and certified TRAiLS guides. We’re going to Theodore Roosevelt Island, an island in the Potomac River!
We’ll leave the Foggy Bottom townhouse at 10 am, and the hike should last a few hours, returning to campus in the early afternoon. Whether you are a professional hiker or have never left the confines of the city, come out, enjoy the fall sunshine and get to know UHPers outside the classroom. We’ll provide lunch and guides, you provide insightful questions and witty banter.

Sign up here!

Honors Contract Deadline Soon

Just want to point out here that we've been making "contract" posts several times a year for years now, and this is the FIRST time we thought of this epic Disney scene.
Just want to point out here that we’ve been making “contract” posts several times a year for years now, and this is the FIRST time we thought of this epic Disney scene.

Not everybody needs an Honors Contract, but if you do, it’s vital!

How do you know if you need to complete an Honors Contract?
Fill one out if you plan on:

  • Internship for Honors credit,
  • Undergraduate Research,
  • Research Assistantship,
  • Senior Thesis (Other than Special Honors in your degree — that’s a different form found here)

Get the RTF-EZ here and the Contract Form here.  Don’t forget your proposal!
You’ve got until COB Friday, September 13th, 2013.
Confused?  Make an appointment.