A Film Series Save the Date: Sunday, January 18th


The UHP is teaming up with MVC to launch a classic film series!  The first film is “In the Heat of the Night” and will be playing this Sunday, January 18th, at 2:00 in the Eckles library auditorium. This film, starring Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger, was released in 1967 and remains as powerful as ever.


Below is a short film description:

“On the surface, this movie is a conventional murder mystery set in a small southern town, but after four decades the film still packs a punch, capturing the decline of an old white justice system though characters who reveal less about race than how people are in general.”

Please join us for a screening of this wonderful and important film.  Snacks will be served!

Holiday Decorating Party

See these?  That’s those big white walls.*


Don’t miss your deliciously sweet chance to decorate your very own gingerbread house and deck these Townhouse hwalls!  SEE YOU FROM 1-4 IN THE CLUB ROOM FOR SOME HOLIDAY FUN!

We’ve got the materials, you bring the spirit and set up by the roaring TV-screen-fire. Especially if finals have you down, holed up in Gelman looking like this poor guy. You need a break!


*Thanks, Macklemore, for the perfect blog intro sentence.

Buy Student-Faculty Dinner Tickets

Don’t forget about the Student-Faculty dinner on Friday Dec. 5.
It is an all-you-care-to-eat buffet dinner for just $5.00!  What a deal!
The dinner will be at Chalin’s from 5:00 to 7:30.  You don’t want to miss it!
Come by the UHP office to pick up a ticket.

Official Honors Registration Guide: Spring 2015!

GET EXCITED! It’s almost time to register!  But before you can register for next semester’s classes, you have some housekeeping to do.  Find out how to get your holds removed and where to find the best courses for you next semester!
Registration Day
Spring registration is just around the corner!  Please pay close attention to the following registration guidelines!  Registration begins each day at 7:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m.
Spring 2015 Early Registration Schedule
***Tuesday, November 11 Honors freshmen and sophomores (privileged registration)

November 12 Wednesday 90 or more hours (credits) earned
November 13 Thursday 70 or more hours (credits) earned
November 14 Friday 50 or more hours (credits) earned
November 17 Monday 30 or more hours (credits) earned
November 18 Tuesday Less than 30 hours (credits) earned

Advising Hold Removal Schedule
While all honors students are encouraged to see a Honors Program Officer before registration, Columbian College students who have not declared a major MUST meet with one of the Program Officers to remove your advising hold BEFORE registration.  Make sure you are prepared with a tentative course schedule using the Spring 2015 Schedule of Classes and Honors course descriptions.  As new course information and revisions become available we will update the website.  Please re-check the information on the Schedule of Classes and the Honors site before you register to ensure that you’re up-to-date!
Please use our wide selection of dates to your advantage – plan on meeting with an advisor at a time that is most practical given your registration date.  Students may discuss registration and remove advising hold by one of the following options:

  1. Attend an advising party:
  • Tuesday, November 4th from 2:30-4:30 – pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom!
  • Wednesday, November 5th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. – pizza in West Hall on Mount Vernon!
  • Monday, November 10th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom!
  1. Make an advising appointment:

Online at http://www.gwu.edu/~uhpwww/appointments.cfm
Attention ALL Students: Urgent Hold Information
Check your record via GWeb regarding holds prior to your scheduled registration time.  Any hold on your account will prevent access to registration.
Elliott, Business, and Engineering School students should meet with their school advisors for hold removal, if they have holds, and for registration advising, but are always welcome to Honors advising about their course selection!

Carve Pumpkins with the UHP


Help us plan to have enough candy and pumpkins: Register

Friday, October 24th from 1-4pm
UHP Townhouse – 714 21st Street NW
Limited supply available of pumpkins for $5 each, or bring your own magnificent gourds! We’ll also have cheap carving kits (really, they’re cheap. If you’re a pumpkin artiste, you might want to bring your own.) Also, a big supply of candy.
Also on deck: spooooooooooooky videos on the TV, scaaaaaaaaary music, caaaaaaaaaaaaaandy!
Let us take a picture of your abominable creation and we’ll enter it in our annual pumpkin carving contest! The winner gets a gift card, which you can then use to buy candy!
No tricks, all treat! See you there! Candy.

Saying Farewell: Jared Leaves GW

Fellow nerds,
I’m leaving GW!  I’ve taken a really cool job as a content specialist with a private higher ed start-up company in DC (yes, they have a foosball table.) I’m really excited about it.

 I’ve done some really cool stuff at GW.  I created GWUBlogs, pioneered online advising scheduling, designed the craziest spelling bee ever, totally “went to nationals” with Catherine and Liz, and probably ate my weight 5 times over at student-faculty dinners throughout the years (dat crispy shrimp doe.)

A lot of my work here has been play, that’s thanks to two reasons: 1) the people I work for are students — and Honors students are awesome; and 2) the people I work with are some of the cleverest and most talented people at GW.  It has been a real luxury to work with Eydie, Catherine, Mark, Liz, and Jordana (and our expansive cast of student staffers!) I’ll miss all the GIFs, the goofy posts, and the awesome food.  I’ve been so fortunate to play in this sandbox with people always willing to take a fun idea and say “Yes, and…”

My last day at GW is Tuesday, 10/21/14.  It’s a fast transition, but I’m sure the Honors Program will be ready to handle it with grace.

I know the UHP is in good hands with the staff here, and the students will surely be extra accommodating: always showing up to their appointments on time and reading their newsletters diligently.

I went to GW for both undergrad and graduate school.  I was in the Honors Program, I was a student staffer, and as a freshman I lived on the Vern in Honors housing. (I always had a special appreciation for Winger on Community for that reason.) The Honors Program has meant a lot to me, and I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to add so much to it.  I put a lot of thought into the decision to move on.

There’s a really, really awesome song that’s popular right now, and I think it’s kind of the perfect music for my departure.  Do me a favor: plug in your headphones, give it a listen, and when you hear it in the future, remember all the good times we had goofing around in the Honors Program together.

If you’d like to stay in touch, please do!  If you don’t already have my contact info, you can always google me.


Food for Thought w/ Prof. René Bobe


Register for “Food for Thought” lunch with Prof. René Bobe!

Monday, October 27th at 12pm

Eckles First Floor Conference Room, Mt. Vernon Campus

Humans originated in Africa several million years ago as a consequence of important climatic and environmental changes. Human ancestors were shaped by climate and developed new ways to adapt to variable and uncertain conditions. In my research I explore the ways in which human ancestors coped with the dynamic habitats of Africa a few million years ago.

We’ll provide lunch! Seats are limited to 20 so sign up now.

4-Year Plan Deadline This Friday!

Freshmen! Come one, come all! 4-Year Plans are due this Friday (10/10/2014)!
Not ready?

  • Email uhpspa@gwu.edu right now and they’ll meet with you ASAP to whip that 4-year plan into shape.

Haven’t met with Catherine to approve it yet?

What if I ignore this mandatory deadline?

  • You will not be prepared to register for classes (yes, that is very soon)

Message to leave with:

  • If you don’t get your 4-year plan approved by Friday, you’ll have a hard time registering early!

Real Talk:

  • You’re an honors student, you’re better than this
  • Ryan Gosling will reward you   😉
