Advice from the (Peer) Advisors: Some Things I’ve Been Nerding Out On

Check out the following delightful list of just random fun things former Peer Advisor and student staff Meaghan Gallagher has been nerding out on!

If you’re looking for a non-COVID-19 related post, welcome. If COVID-19 is consuming your mind and you want to feel hopeful during this time, then read peer advisor Nicky Cacchione’s post about silver linings. It’s about as feel-good as watching Queer Eye or being chosen by a dog to be its petter.

I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about things I’ve been nerding out on recently. Maybe you’ll find out we have common interests, maybe you’ll realize I’m not that cool, or maybe you’ll find a new worm hole to go down yourself. No matter the consequence, here are some cool things:

  • I was taking an archaeology class called “London Before the Great Fire” this semester (peace, love, abroad) and it was completely fascinating. Before we were sent home for the semester, we would go on walking tours of the Roman, Saxon, and Medieval parts of London. I’d never have had that opportunity in DC – for the obvious geographical reason and my tendency to pursue outside interests only in Honors classes. I learned what the River Thames used to be like, before its encroachments, how to analyze the layout of a museum (Museum of London is excellent), and that there are remnants of the old Roman forum in the basement of a barber shop by Leadenhall Market. While finishing the class online isn’t as exciting as following my Professor through the streets of London and pointing out straight mortar joints and changes in topography, I am grateful that I got exposed to this topic and can now try to flex historical knowledge about London.
  • I’m writing a paper for a class about blockchain and art. I am not by any means an art connoisseur, so I was hoping through my research I’d learn about more about the industry. In addition to learning the word “provenance”, I’ve learned a bit about digital art. Did you know there was a CryptoKitty that sold for $140,000? Blockchain also supports fractionalization, meaning multiple people can share ownership of a single item. Instead of one person owning 100% of a work, 100 people can each own 1% of it. Fractional ownership expands the market, allowing more people to access art as an investment asset since the price gets diluted.
  • I’ve been nerding out on Westworld since Season 3 premiered March 15th. It’s super topical with data privacy and automation debates raging. Be prepared to watch it multiple times, as the timelines can get confusing and it gets better on rewatch.
  • Quarantine inspired me to try to learn how to play piano? My mom thinks I got inspired by watching Beth play her piano in Little Women (which I just read as well!). I really just need a new party trick after being told my North London accent is bad. I’m not so much as learning how to play than memorizing a few sections of songs I like, but Beethoven started somewhere too.
  • I’m reading “A Year of Biblical Womanhood” by Rachel Held Evans. Held Evans sadly passed away young last year, but she was a prominent figure in the Evangelical Church. She spent a year following several Bible verses literally, causing her to do things like sit on her roof and call her husband, “Master”. The book kept using the phrase “the nuclear family”, which prompted me to read this article from David Brooks titled “The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake”. If you have twenty minutes to read an article, this is fascinating. He talks about the economic, cultural, and societal factors that led to the decentralization of family structure.
  • I finally got around to watching the newest Star Wars trilogy, meaning I’ve been taking a lot of Buzzfeed quizzes and watching cast interviews. The originals were still the best, but this trilogy was better than the prequels in my opinion. Flawed, yes, but better acting and a good villain. Willing to debate.
  • There are these really good monologues done by famous actors for Almeida Theatre on YouTube. Here’s one Andrew Scott did (please watch Fleabag too if you haven’t) reciting a speech by Edith Sampson (who was super cool!). If you’re missing Origins, Derek Jacobi (who?) performed Socrates’ speech “I Go To Die”. They’re about 10 minutes each, so if you’re in need of some inspiration/philosophical contemplation/impressive acting, go watch those.
  • A couple weeks ago I watched Daniel Sloss’ show “Jigsaw” on Netflix. He mixes dark humor with bits of seriousness at points, but it’s been one of the best pieces of standup I’ve seen in a while. I’ve shared it with everyone I know who likes comedy. He has a bit that’s ended at least 7,000 relationships – take that as you will.

That’s what I’ve been up to. Last time they let me on the blog, I wrote about how disillusioned I had become about “finding a passion”. Clearly, I still can’t settle on just one thing. Hopefully one of these things tips your interest and keeps you occupied for a few hours. In the meantime, stay healthy, practice social distancing, and have as much fun as possible.



Contest of the Week 4/6: Limericks!


This week, we are hosting a LIMERICK contest. Yes, that’s right. I want you to write limericks. Because they’re really, really fun. They can be about anything, but bonus points if they’re about something positive in the midst of the existentially strange time we’re all existing in right now. You can submit them below in the comments, or in an email to the UHP!

Don’t know how to write a limerick/know what a limerick is? That’s alright! A limerick is a type of poem that’s got a delightful jovial energy to it. It bounces back and forth throughout the stanza. They’re all five lines, with a rhyme scheme of AABBA (lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme, and so do lines 3 and 4). They also all have a pretty specific rhythm. Check out the following limericks for some examples, or visit this website for a more in-depth exploration!

There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, ‘It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!’

-Edward Lear (famous for popularizing the limerick!)

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.



We received some truly incredible submissions to last week’s contest, so deciding this one has been rather difficult. In the end, we decided to award two winners. One for beauty, one for creativity (of a horrifying kind). But we’ll post all the responses below! Congratulations to Sara Iagnemma with the UHP Raven and Matthew Oberstaedt with the eldritch abomination Brainy McBrainFace. Both of these came with original drawings:


Sara’s mascot is the Raven, because they’re both some of the smartest animals on the planet as well as omnivores!

Matthew’s was, well, as follows:

“Meet the new UHP Mascot: Brainy McBrainface! Brainy is a walking, talking, personified brain, and they are, like, totally jacked from flexing all that intellectual muscle UHPers are famous for. Brainy can usually been lifting weights with one arm and a beaker in the other, demonstrating the careful balance between taking care of one’s body and mind. Brainy has a big, goofy laugh that annoys pretty much everyone, but is endearing to the right people, and they can’t shut up about politics! Brainy’s spinal cord is basically their body. They typically wear shorts, a graduation cap, and shoes… BUT NO SHIRT, because, I repeat, they’re totally jacked.”

Congratulations to you both on your tokens!

Honorable Mentions:

That’s not to say the other entries weren’t excellent though! Here are the other wonderful submissions we received:

Cindy Y. with TWO mascots, for the two campuses we exist on! A buff-colored doe for the Vern, and a blue rat (who are omnivores!) for Foggy Bottom. And she drew them too!

Sydni Nadler came in with the delightful recommendation of a badger named Martha who carries around a little pile of books and wears a UHP-logo-colored scarf!

Mason Hubbell had the excellent suggestion of a studious hippo reading a book, with glasses or a mortarboard!

Bri Mirabile had a series of reasons behind her suggestion, which was an Honors Hedgehog! Here they are: 1) How cute and fun are hedgehogs? 2) You can make them intellectual (see visual) 3) They’re omnivores and it’s a play on the intellectual omnivore thing 4) Alliteration.
Finally, last but certainly not least of these honorable mentions, we had Monica Oves with: an owl in a powdered wig (like George Washington)! That would be utterly adorable, and I’m delighted to have that image in my brain.
Many thanks to everyone who submitted something to this! These gave me much joy, and I hope they do the same to the rest of the UHP community.

Riddle of the Day 4/2


My beard is powerful.

I shave every day,

But it remains unchanged.

What am I?

As always, tokens will be awarded to the first correct answer and the most creative incorrect one.


The first correct answer to yesterday’s riddle (what room in a home do ghosts avoid?) was snagged by Sydni Nadler (the living room), and there were some excellent contenders for most creative incorrect one! But we’re going with Bri Mirabile’s “the chapel I’ve had to make in my house since mass is online now.” Congratulations to you both!

Riddle of the Day 4/1


What room in a home do ghosts avoid?

As always, tokens are awarded to the first “correct” (i.e. the one we’re looking for) and most creative incorrect answer. Answer in the comments below!


We actually did not receive the answer we were looking for for yesterday’s riddle (What’s the coolest letter in the alphabet?)! The correct answer was B, because it’s surrounded by AC. But nonetheless, we had some excellent incorrect answers, so we’re going to choose two of them. First we have Sydni Nadler with “definitely not L, it’s 90 degrees!”. And then we have Liz Szafranski with “U, because u are the coolest!”. Congratulations to you both on your tokens!

Riddle of the Day 3/31


What’s the coolest letter in the alphabet?

As always, tokens are awarded to the first “correct” answer (i.e. the one we’re looking for) and the most creative incorrect answer.


Cindy Y. once again taking it home with the first correct answer: “Greece is at the bottom,” and Jared Bulla once again wins the best incorrect answer with his anti-colonial “it sizzled over the top and got all over the dang world…they should have used a lid” (paraphrase). Congratulations to the both of you!

Contest of the Week 3/30

Welcome, dear UHPers, to our second contest of the week! This week’s contest will be a UHP mascot design contest. We do not currently have an official mascot as a program, but we’d love to see what you can come up with!

Submission guidelines:

The only thing you need to submit to be considered for the contest is a mascot concept, but you’ll get extra points for submitting an example, and enormous extra points for designing/drawing an example yourself. If you have questions, comment below or email us at! Submit here:

As for last week’s contest, the winner is HANNAH DELVECCHIO with the following townhouse token-based meme:

Congrats Hannah! You have indeed encountered the prize you are looking for.

Riddle of the Day 3/27


I am fragile.
Say my name,
I am broken.

As always, the first correct and the most creative incorrect answers will receive a Townhouse Token. Answer below! Note: we won’t be doing riddles over the weekend, so you can go at this one until Monday!


Sydni Nadler got in the first correct answer with MEMORIES! As for the most creative incorrect answer, Cindy Y. wins with Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere! You have both been awarded: TOWNHOUSE TOKENS!

An image of Peer Advisor Ryan

It’s Okay to Hit Mute: A Guide to Staying Mentally Healthy in This Strange Age

Check out the following wisdom from Peer Advisor Ryan!

Currently, there are 112 words on my muted words list on Twitter. I know that number seems rather high, but allow me to explain.

In these strange, strange times in which we’re living, there is no shortage of statements about the coronavirus. There’s the crucial information that comes from doctors, medical experts, and local authorities, of course, but there’s also a glut of responses from just about everybody, even folks who you’re might not terribly interested in hearing from. Every clothing store you’ve ever bought socks from is emailing to communicative its COVID-19 policy; every discrete department and office at GW is sending you the same five tips for containing the virus; and every news outlet is running every conceivable coronavirus story imaginable. This seems only logical, we might think; it’s just what you have to do.

More brightly, there’s also been a deluge of (marginally) more sensitive content among this negativity. There are plenty of cute infographics about how to work from home, or tips for Zoom-based learning, or videos of celebrities admonishing you to practice social distancing.

These things, should they float your boat, can be great. But for me, they felt insufficient, in some way—while it felt nice to feel my sadness and worry be validated, the fact remained that these things left me feeling more negative than if I hadn’t seen them at all. So instead, I did something different: I just muted it all.

Coronavirus. COVID. COVID-19. #coronavirus. #COVID19. #C19. #COVID-19. #COVID_19. #COVID2019. Pandemic. Symptom. Diagnosed. Epidemic. Hand sanitizer. Wash your hands. Quarantine. These are just a few of the words on my long, long list—and it’s an ongoing project, as Twitter users seem to be constantly hopping to new permutations of #COVID19 with each passing day. On top of this, I used the content preferences on my phone to allow me to use my news app for only one minute each day—enough to get major notifications, but not enough to be sucked into a pool of despair. And I couldn’t be gladder about doing it.

Does this mean that I’m contentedly ignoring this issue? No, of course not. I care deeply about the epidemic, especially as an immunocompromised person, and I’ve spoken with my health care providers and keep up with official statements from my local government. But expanding my muted words list in this way was like a gift from the universe, because it allowed me to see that my life wasn’t getting any better, I wasn’t getting any safer, and the world wasn’t getting any healthier by me reading another anxiety-inducing tweet. On the contrary, these tweets were only making me feel so freaked out that I was paralyzed, unable to do anything to help those around me or do my part to protect those even more vulnerable than myself.

I think of this great purge as an act of discernment—I’m discerning when online coronavirus can be good and beneficial, and when, on the contrary, it’s not helpful. Because, to be clear, all of this content should be directing you to help your community, or to love those around you, or to act with safety and thoughtfulness—and if it’s not doing that, then you aren’t obligated to expose yourself to it every single day. Needless paralyzing anxiety doesn’t isn’t good for anybody!

Even further, it’s important to remember that your discernment might put you in a different place than mine did. For some folks, it’s possible that reading every bit of coronavirus coverage is helpful. As I’ve said in quite a few words, that isn’t the case for me. So in these times of difficulty and tribulation, I want to offer a word of advice to anyone who needs it: it’s okay to be discerning with this stuff, and it’s okay to decide that you’ve read enough for the day.