UHP Peer Advisor Bios & Contact Information
Welcome, prospective honors students! Peer Advisors are excited to answer your questions and share their experiences about the University Honors Program and beyond. Check out their bios and contact information below.
To speak with a Peer Advisor, please reach out to them by email. They are happy to chat with you, set up a time to speak by video conference, and/or refer you to additional resources.
Please reach out to uhp@gwu.edu if you have any additional questions.
Email: abby_guen@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: International Affairs (Development, Economics Concentrations)
Minor: Political Science
Study Abroad: Santiago, Chile
Extra-Curriculars: GW MotherFunkers A Cappella, GW STAR Tour Guide, GW Women in Economics, Work Study, Off Campus Internships
Can talk more about: Elliott School, Study Abroad, the Performing Arts Community, internship searching, Four-Year Planning
Email: aliciah@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Environmental Studies, Political Science
Minor: Geographic Information Systems
Honors Housing: West Hall (first-year honors housing)
Research experience: briefly a Research Assistant for the Geography Department doing a mapping project in India
Can talk more about: Literally anything! I live and breath residential life, but I also am very familiar with the music program and I know a fair amount about greek life
Email: amisiewicz@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: International Affairs, Political Science
Minor: Spanish and Psychology (potentially)
Extra-Curriculars: International Affairs Society, College Democrats, PAD (pre-law frat)
Can talk more about: Elliott School, time management, political involvement
Email: andrewbutt@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: International Affairs (Asia) and Chinese Language and Literature
Minor: Religion
Extra-Curriculars: Student theatre, Forbidden Planet Productions, Resident Advisor on the Mount Vernon Campus
Can talk more about: Living on the Mount Vernon Campus, connecting first years with the Foxhall/Foggy Bottom/wider DC community. Four-Year Planning
Email: bridgetcarl@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Public Health, Economics
Honors Housing: West Hall (first-year housing)
Research experience: Fall 2019 Research Assistantship in environmental economics
Can talk more about: On-campus employment, being a STEM student, taking intellectual/academic risks
Brittney Ho (Peer Advisor Leader)
Email: brittneyho@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Journalism and Mass Communication (School of Media and Public Affairs)
Minor: Communication
Honors Housing: District House (upper-level housing)
Can talk more about: Work-life balance within UHP, finding community, transition from the suburbs into a city, internships
Email: cclough@gmail.gwu.edu
Major: International Affairs and History
Can talk more about: Elliott School, Four Year Planning, Double Majoring, and living in D.C.
Email: chrispeit23@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: History
Minor: Creative Writing
Extra-Curriculars: Band, Roosevelt Institute
Can talk more about: Classes, student life, DC, the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Email: claireshelby@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: BS in Business: International Business and Business Economics & Public Policy
Minors: French and Philosophy
Extra-Curriculars: Delta Sigma Pi Co-Ed Professional Business Fraternity – Senior Vice President; Club Gymnastics member; GWSB First Year Development Program Mentor; GW STAR Tour Guide; GWSB Ambassador
Can talk more about: Business school, traveling more than 2,000 miles from home (California!), alternative fraternity and sorority life, making friends and connections, prioritizing what matters most, keeping in touch with family members, organization skills
Daniel Kassl (Peer Advisor Leader)
Email: danielkassl@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Political Science
Minor: History
Can talk more about: D.C. living, course registration, undergraduate research, Peer Advisor Leadership
Email: Declanduggan@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: International Affairs
Extra-Curriculars: I am a member in Sigma Iota Rho, GW’s gender inclusive international affairs honors society, I am also a member of strategic crisis simulation, and I write opinions for the Hatchet.
Can talk more about: The Elliott School, first-year honors program classes, navigating the four year plan, getting involved on campus, adjusting to college life.
Email: erstopek@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Political Science
Minor: French
Extra-Curriculars: Forbidden Planet Productions, Greek Life, GW Star (Student Admissions Representative)
Can talk more about: Future planning, which classes to take, housing and social life, work-study
Email: ewestcott@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Business Administration – Marketing
Minor: Music
Extra-Curriculars: Radio Show Host and Music Blog Columnist at WRGW, GW’s campus radio station; gear manager for the Student Music Coalition
Can talk more about: Switching majors/minors and/or switching home schools, four year planning, getting involved with music on campus, resolving roommate conflicts, adjusting to life in DC, living far from home.
Email: hmscatchard@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: International Affairs, Economics
Study abroad: Paris with IES Abroad, Fall 2019
Research experience: research assistantship my sophomore year, where I worked on a paper about the sharing economy
Honors Housing: West Hall freshman year, District Hall sophomore and junior year
Can talk more about: managing career development and schoolwork!
Email: hopeledford@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Political Science
Minor: Statistics, Criminal Justice
Extra-Curriculars: IGNITE @ GW (Director of Internal Affairs); GWU Phi Alpha Delta (pre-law fraternity)
Can talk more about: Internships, Federal Work Study, adjusting to city life, scheduling / organization
Email: jbentley23@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Business Administration and Math (double degree)
Minor: Philosophy
Can talk more about: anything about freshman student life, music, video games; also, I can talk more about the Philosophy Club, and my experience as a Copy Editor at Current Magazine, and Web & Content Editor at Poptized Magazine
Email: jconway11@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Political Science and Finance .
Honors Housing: West Hall Freshman Year
Can talk more about: Double majoring across schools. I can also talk about what it is like to live in West Hall.
Email: jenschoppmann@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Psychology
Extra-Curriculars: Mock Trial
Can talk more about: Pre-law, mock trial, LGBT issues, mental health resources, coffee spots in DC (very important), the DC food scene.
Email: jse@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Peace Studies and Political Science
Minor: Sustainability
Honors Housing: Lived in West Hall this year and will be living on the District floor next year!
Research experience: I did a Research Assistantship about climate change and its impact on companies with Sanjay Patnaik last semester
Can talk more about: Transitioning from different academic environments, LGBTQ+ community presence on campus, political atmosphere on campus, opportunities available to honors students, the general atmosphere of both GW and the UHP, tips for living in West Hall, the pros and cons of the dining plan, cooking with dietary restrictions, general DC activities, and anything to do with my majors!
Email: jspearce@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Political Communications
Can talk more about: I love advising all things school related- especially integrating into the GW community. Being from Utah, I understand how crazy a transition it can be to be from living in your parents house to being with 3 other people in DC.
Email: jordanbachman@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Political Science, French
Extra-Curriculars: STAR Tour Guide, Executive Recruitment Board for Kappa Alpha Theta
Can talk more about: Adjusting to life away from home (especially for students not from the East Coast), finding a community, time management/balance
Email: alexandralswank@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: International Affairs and Economics
Extra-Curriculars: Rookie Chair on the Women’s Club Rugby Team, Brother in Alpha Phi Omega community service frat
Can talk more about: (Considering) changing majors, LGBT issues, adjusting to life in DC from suburbs, exploring student orgs, mental health support, finding the cheapest food on and off campus (vital)
Email: eszafranski@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Geography and Biology
Research experience: I do research in the geography department studying Siberian informal road network changes and threats
Can talk more about: I took a gap year before starting college and worked for the Americorps. I’m passionate about sustainability, food systems, climate justice, plants, and anything to do with the outdoors and nature. I also volunteer as an EMT with GW EMeRG, and I am a guide with GW TRAiLS
Email: moehler@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major(s): Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
Minor: Classics (potentially)
Study abroad: Summer excavations to Ireland (4 weeks) and Israel (6 weeks)
Honors Housing: West Hall (first-year housing) and District (upper-level housing)
Can talk more about: Taking classes off-campus (i.e. at the Smithsonians), my experience in a professional Anthropology Fraternity, Kappa Alpha Theta (social sorority, where I’m in charge of education workshops), and volunteering at the National Museum of Natural History.
Email: mstauder@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: BA – International Affairs (International Development); BS – Economics
Extra-Curriculars: March for Our Lives GW, GW Interfaith Council; off-campus faith-based organization, homeless outreach
Can talk more about: Four-Year Planning, choosing Honors Classes/Professors and creating a schedule, GW student life, greater DC engagement
Email: megangreenstein@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major(s): Political Communication
Minor(s): Art History, Philosophy
Study Abroad: GW Global Bachelor’s Program – Queen’s University Belfast, Bond University – Australia
Extra-Curriculars: DC Through a Lens (photography org), Philosophy Club, Wooden Teeth (literary magazine)
Can talk more about: Global Bachelor’s Program, Four-Year Planning, applying to the SMPA, Origins / Philosophy, studying abroad, the honors program community (the best thing about GW!)
Email: mkurlas@gwmail.gwu.edu
Majors: Biomedical Engineering
Extra-Curriculars: Engineers without Borders, George Hacks, Cherry Tree, SEASSPAN mentor, Clark Scholars program
Can talk more about: STEM majors/programs, taking honors courses as a STEM student, stepping out of your shell in college as an introvert
Email: loughlinm2024@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience
Minor: Sociology & Criminal Justice
Can talk more about: answering questions about the uhp, helping construct four-year plans, chatting with prospective and incoming uhp-ers, giving advice/input regarding courses and professors, and being a friendly face you can come to with any questions whatsoever 🙂
Email: mgdrake19@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Nutrition Science (Pre-Med)
Minor: Public Health
Research experience: Nutrition Education, Health Policy research, Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, chronic disease, HIV, and public health broadly; FIESTA4HOPE
Extra-Curriculars: Pi Beta Phi Vice President of Member Experience; One Tent Health volunteer; Little Friends for Peace volunteer; GW American Medical Women’s Association Advisory Committee; GW student admissions
Can talk more about: Contract courses, pre-health track, course planning
Nicky Cacchione (Peer Advisor Leader)
Email: nickycacchione@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: International Business
Minors: Spanish & Philosophy
Study abroad: Buenos Aires Argentina for half a semester (this semester)
Honors Housing: Didn’t live in Honors Housing, but was a Vernie!
Can talk more about: Internships/career goals, financial aid, GWSB, and mentorship experience in the UHP Peer Advising program, Beta Theta Pi, and the First Year Development Program in the School of Business.
Email: ninabell@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Biology
Research experience: Research Assistant studying the vestibular system in the Neurology Department at GW SMHS
Honors Housing: West Hall, District House
Extra-Curriculars: Alpha Chi Sigma (chemistry fraternity) (Social Chair), First-Gen United (Peer Mentor), Biology Learning Assistant, Nu Rho Psi, Red Cross volunteer, hospital volunteer
Can talk more about: Pre-Health, Four Year Planning, STEM research, finding balance
Email: Pblackwell33@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Archaeology and Classical and Near Eastern Studies
Research experience: Completed independent research on Global Art Crimes in in Fall 2021 and currently researching illicit Antiquity trade in Africa
Honors Housing: I lived in West Hall my freshman year and loved it. I was very close with the people on my floor, and when the weather was nice, I’d do as much of my homework outside as possible.
Extra-Curriculars: Member of Delta Iota Gamma (Archaeology fraternity), Student Rights and Responsibilities Panelist, Member Eta Sigma Phi (Classics Honors Society)
Can talk more about: Exploring student orgs, utilizing advisors and making the most of office hours, and the self-discipline of self-care
Email: perrysantos@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Political Science & English
Research experience: research assistantship through the UHP
Extra-Curriculars: GW Philippine Cultural Society (Administrative Officer), GW Funkers A Cappella, CCAS 1001 (Peer Mentor/Teaching Assistant)
Email: nauma2@gwmail.gwu.edu
Major: Biology (Molecular)
Minor: Philosophy
Can talk more about: Anything pre-med/STEM-related, adjusting to a city campus, UHP classes, finding extracurriculars that mesh with your interests, applying for org executive boards/internships/volunteer opportunities, and learning to organize a balanced college schedule (academically and socially).