Nominate Someone to Join the UHP!

As you may know, the University Honors Program (UHP) accepts a small cohort of approx. 15-16 current students in the second semester of their first year of GW. The students selected will start our program in their sophomore year and continue with us throughout the rest of their time at GW. As your peers, classmates, and friends, you would know better than most who would be a great addition to our community. We invite you to think about who those individuals may be and nominate them for our program.

We are looking for:

  • Students that are intellectually curious and have many interests and passions.
  • Students that value perspectives from diverse backgrounds (socioeconomic, race, religion, political views, etc.), want to learn from others, and want to explore new issues and opinions
  • Students that are seeking out both breadth and depth in their university experience.
  • Students that want to be challenged academically and pushed out of their comfort zone within a collegial and supportive and collaborative community of scholars.

While the UHP is looking for students with strong academic promise, engagement in our community is more important than a student’s raw GPA. We would rather have in the program a ‘B student’ who is interested in engaging with new ideas and working and sharing within a community than an ‘A student’ who is just looking to check off the “Honors” box.

At the end of the day, our goal is to be a diverse academic community where we all belong and thrive. We therefore believe that building a sophomore cohort of students that demonstrate the above qualities and characteristics is an essential part of that.

We encourage you to submit a brief nomination form if you have a name or two in mind. We will be reaching out to them directly and invite them to consider applying for our community. Feel free to also encourage them to reach out to us if they have any questions.