An Update from Anna

Dear UHPers,

I am writing to you to share some news. I will be leaving my role at the University Honors Program. I will greatly miss being a part of this wonderful community, and while I am sad to be leaving, I am looking forward to this next chapter in my career. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Honors program, and I am especially grateful to have met each of you. 

My last day will be next Wednesday, March 29th. I may not be in the front office anymore, but I would love to keep in touch! Please feel free to connect with me on Linkedin so we can stay in contact!

The student staff will still be at the front desk of the townhouse if you want to stop by for snacks, coffee, or just have a nice chat before class.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of the semester, and I look forward to seeing what each of you accomplish in the coming years! 


All the best,

Anna Falcione