Congratulations UHP Sure Award Recipients (Fall 2021)

Congratulations to the following Fall 2021 recipients of the UHP SURE Award, an individual grant of up to $500 to support UHPers’ research activities.

Gigi Baer, Sophomore, Public Health (pre-medicine concentration)
Research Project Title: Scoping Review on the Use of Industry Tactics by E-Cigarette Corporations to Target Youth

Lauren Lundvall, Senior, Criminal Justice
Research Project Title: Behind Closed Doors: A Podcast by Lauren Lundvall

Rushabh Patel, Junior, International Affairs & Political Science
Research Project Title: Analyzing the Impacts of Youth Councils on Municipal Policy

Caroline Pickering, Senior, International Affairs (concentration in Global Public Health)
Research Project Title: Gender and Agroecology: Inclusion, Exclusion, and Future Prospects in Peru

Sarah Racile, Senior, Mathematics
Research Project Title: On the Co-Evolution of Fashion and Philosophy from 1500-1900

Sivahn Sapirstein, Senior, International Affairs
Research Project Title: Nonviolence in Deeply Divided Societies: An Exploration Into the Inhibitory Power of Zero-sum Identities

We look forward to hearing more about their research projects later this academic year and will be sure to keep you posted!