Coffee and Breakfast– in Amsterdam!

UHPers, we are so delighted to have you back on campus. And we’re eager to get to know all of you newer students in person, as well as reunite with returning UHP community members!

Because of that, on Friday, September 10th, we’re hosting a coffee and breakfast event with Dr. Kung and Brianna. They’re looking forward to welcoming back returning students, hearing about how the semester is going so far, and answering any of your questions. Please stop by if you want to say hello, catch up with other UHPers, ask particular queries, or grab a bagel. The event will be on the 5th floor elevator lobby of Amsterdam Hall from 10:00am to 11:30am.

We hope to see you there!

Note– this event is primarily geared towards our UHP LLC members on the 5th floor of Amsterdam, but all UHPers are welcome!