Upperclass Honors Housing – Tentative for Next Year

In years past, upperclass Honors students have had the opportunity to live in an Honors Living & Learning Community after their first year. We are exploring this possibility for the upcoming Academic Year and would like to gauge interest.

If you are interested in living in an Honors LLC next year, please fill out this form. Please note that plans for on-campus housing are TENTATIVE; however, knowing the level of interest from the UHP cohort will help in the planning process.

While we’re unsure where the LLC would be located on campus, it would likely not be in District House. Here is a snapshot of what an Honors LLC in 2021-2022 could entail:

  • Early roommate selection/preference, depending on the space available.
  • Programming geared towards honors community development and the transition to on-campus life.
  • The chance to build and maintain friendships throughout the honors cohort.
  • Due to limitations of on-campus space, this option would unfortunately not be available to rising Seniors.
  • We would strongly encourage current First-Years / rising Sophomores to consider this option.

We appreciate your interest! Let us know if you have any questions.