Riddle of the Day 4/7


What can you hold in your left hand but not your right?


The first correct answer from yesterday’s riddle once again goes to Cindy Y. with “post office,” and the most creative incorrect answer goes to Clarissa Boyd with “epistolary romance.” Congratulations to all on your tokens!

5 thoughts on “Riddle of the Day 4/7

  1. Bri Mirabile

    Your right hand

  2. Sydni Nadler

    everything because I’m a lefty and my right hand can’t do anything

  3. Melissa Barrett

    Your right elbow

  4. Cindy Y.

    Your right wrist, or, alternatively, a left-hand glove!

  5. Jared

    A very sinister snifter. Think in the sinistral appendage of a Bond villain.

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