Riddle of the Day 4/6


What has two words

but thousands of letters?



As always, tokens will be awarded to the first correct answer and the most creative incorrect one. Friday’s riddle was “By night, we arrive without being called for. By day, we are lost without being stolen. What are we?” Andrew Butt scored the token for first correct answer with “Stars.” Meanwhile, the most creative answer goes to Sydni Nadler with “my sleep paralysis demon in the shape of the George statue in UYard.” Keep up the great guessing!



5 thoughts on “Riddle of the Day 4/6

  1. Cindy Y.

    Post office 🙂

  2. Jared

    Encyclopedia Britannica

  3. Carley Christerson

    Post box

  4. Hailee

    “Thousand letters”

  5. Clarissa Boyd

    Epistolary Romance

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