Riddle of the Day 4/3


By night, we arrive without being called for.

By day, we are lost without being stolen.

What are we?


As always, tokens will be awarded to the first correct answer and the most creative incorrect one. The first correct answer to yesterday’s riddle (My beard is powerful. I shave every day, But it remains unchanged. What am I?) goes to Mason Hubbell (a barber), and it was a very close call for most creative incorrect one! But we’re going with ‘Not Tyler Kusma’s’ answer of “Tyler Kusma” Congratulations to you both!

4 thoughts on “Riddle of the Day 4/3

  1. Bri Mirabile


  2. Andrew Butt


  3. Cindy Y.

    Light pollution or, alternatively, the tooth fairy!

  4. Sydni Nadler

    my sleep paralysis demon in the shape of the George statue in UYard

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