The Role of State and Local Factors in Post-Recession Labor Market Outcomes [Research Assistantship]

Professor: Bryan Stuart


Department: Economics


Title: The Role of State and Local Factors in Post-Recession Labor Market Outcomes


Description: This project will examine the short- and long-run effects of recessions on workers and how the effects vary with state and local policies. The project will estimate regression models that trace the effects of recessions on workers’ labor market outcomes and then examine whether these effects are mitigated by a variety of state and local policies (such as Medicaid and unemployment insurance generosity). This research will provide evidence crucial to designing policy responses to future recessions.


Duties: A research assistant will serve a vital role in preparing information on state and local policies. The RA’s duties will include researching details of state and local programs (such as Medicaid and unemployment insurance) and processing data sets in Stata. A successful RA will display attention to detail, interest in state and local policies, and have substantial experience in Stata. This project will provide a valuable opportunity to learn about empirical microeconomics research and state and local policy.


Time commitment: 10 or more hours per week (average)


Credit hour option*: 3


Submit Cover Letter/Resume to:


*If credit is sought, all registration deadlines and requirements must be met. Students selected to be research assistants should contact Ben Faulkner at whether they intend to pursue credit or not.