Elliott Undergraduate Scholars Program – Apply Now!

The Elliott School Undergraduate Scholars program is an exciting independent research opportunity for outstanding Elliott School juniors and seniors (see “Eligibility” below) that can help you work toward these and other goals.

Undergraduate Scholars is a year-long program, and students must participate in both Fall 2016 and Spring 2017.
Highlights of the program include:

  • One-credit Pass/No Pass course in the fall (Thursdays, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm) to learn about research skills, resources and opportunities, to share research updates with peers, and to prepare to write a preliminary draft of the research paper.
  • Three-credit graded Writing in the Disciplines (WID) course in the spring(Thursdays, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm), focusing on peer review of preliminary drafts of the research papers and completion of the final draft.
  • Close work with a faculty advisor.
  • Pairing with an Elliott School graduate student mentor.
  • Research stipend of $500 to be used for research materials and experiences and to cover lunch with the faculty advisor and coffee with the graduate student mentor; possibility of applying for additional funding for special opportunities.
  • Peer support throughout the research and writing process.
  • Presentation of research at an on-campus academic conference in April
  • Publication in an academic journal (a compilation of the final papers edited by students in this cohort)

Program guidelines and application materials appear on the Undergraduate Scholarsweb page.
The 2016-2017 Elliott School Undergraduate Scholars program is open to Elliott School undergraduates with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 who will graduate in the following terms: Spring 2017, Summer 2017, Fall 2017, or Spring 2018.
Application Process Timeline:

Wednesday, March 30, 3:30 to 4:30 pm 
Research Proposal Workshop (1957 E Street, Suite 302)
The Research Proposal Workshop is not mandatory, but try to attend with a draft of your proposal, if possible. Students who cannot attend, including those studying abroad, will not be penalized. No new materials will be distributed; everything that will be handed out at these sessions is available on the Undergraduate Scholars website.
Wednesday, April 13
Applications Due by 6:00 pm
Thursday, May 12
Applicants will be notified by 5:00 pm on this date as to whether they have been selected.
Selected applicants who confirm their intention to participate will be registered for Fall 2016 course (IAFF 3192) by the Office of Academic Advising & Student Services. Applicants should plan their schedules accordingly.
Refer to the Application FAQs document with application questions, including:

  • How do I find a faculty advisor?
  • I will be studying abroad for a semester next year. May I still apply?
  • I am abroad now. Can I apply from overseas?
  • Can the paper I write for the Scholars program count as my senior thesis for Elliott School Special Honors?
  • Can you help me with my research proposal?
If you have other questions that are not addressed in the FAQs, you may email Amy Stearns, Associate Director of Academic Advising, at serridge@gwu.edu. Please note that Ms. Stearns is not available to meet with students individually about their applications or answer questions via email that are specific to your topic and proposal.