Whovian Takeover

Hey! You! I know you. You just finished watching something amazing on Netflix. You missed two classes, an essay, and a homework assignment. You haven’t slept in two days. Why? Because, like many fantastic people, you have discovered the wondrous, intelligent, unbelievably British creation that is Doctor Who and JUST. CAN’T. STOP. WATCHING. You should be social, but there are more pressing matters than what fellow students are doing. Like will the Doctor actually die in a dungeon, IN CARDIFF? And why doesn’t Amy remember the Daleks? And how the heck did Jack get a gun from his… maybe we don’t want to answer that one. Defabrication gets pretty messy.

I have a solution for all of your pressing needs: Come to Columbian Square on November 23rd around 1:30. Meet other GWU students who, like yourself, absolutely love Doctor Who. Come out from behind the Netflix screen and celebrate the greatest anniversary in all of time and space, The Day of the Doctor, with friends who you just haven’t met yet. The Whovian community at GWU will band together in pursuit of friendship and love and, most importantly, curiosity. Because, seriously, who the freaking frak is John Hurt?!? What the bloody hell [editor’s note: this is the USA so we’re going with that phrase being okay] is going to happen when the 10th and 11th doctors meet (answer: the universe will explode from how gosh dang adorable  and beautiful they are together)?!? And, WHAT IN THE NAME OF GALLIFREY IS MOFFAT GOING TO PULL NEXT?!?!?!


Bring friends, bring conspiracy theories (plot twist: it was all K-9’s dream), please bring food to share (I’ll be making cookies and bringing bananas but there are only so many bananas a GWorld card can buy), but most importantly, bring the love and curiosity that defines the Doctor Who fandom. Allons-y!