5 Reasons the Vern Spelling Bee Will Blow Your Mind

The MVC’s epic spelling bee is in a matter of days (Wednesday, 11/13 at 8pm in Post Hall) and it’s crazy.  Here are five reasons why you’ll actually want to go to this spelling bee.

1) The competitors are called “Tributes,” and there are 2 from each “District.”

This definitely isn’t going to be a regular spelling bee.

2) Tricks, traps, subterfuge, and sabotage are required to win. It’s not just spelling.

Wait, what?

3) There’s a thing called a “Cornucopia” and tributes use items in it against each other.

Some items let tributes force competitors to spell their word, some items can be used for protection. Some give immunity, and one item makes a tribute spell their word backward.

4) Just by showing up, you could help a tribute win the game.

hunger games one
Did we forget to mention sponsor gifts? There are sponsor gifts.  Districts with the biggest audience get sponsor gifts that let their tributes re-do a question.

5) There are 2 Honors districts. These Honors tributes need you to be there.

From District Dor: Emily Long and Katie Formosi. From District Jacob: Shelly Sharma and Allen Allen.

Find out if your friend is a tribute, and then go get (free) tickets to support them.  They’re actually going to need your help.
